Untitled Part 1

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Eren POV:

[Flashback 5 Years]

"Armin... Don't listen to them. There just jealous that his friends aren't that close to him. His friends are stupid little shits." I said. Armin laughed at that thought, but then went back to staring to the floor. He's so upset right now, and so confused. He was going through something... Sometimes Armin thinks that he's different than everyone, because he's actually smarter than all of our neighborhood kids. He feels that he doesn't fit in, but he does. Everyone wants to be his friend, but Armin is kinda self-conscious. No one noticed it, except me. He started acting different, so I asked him what's going on. This is when it happened the first time, which was... Not to long ago? He told me not to pay attention... But in a different way. "What? Shuddup Eren! Why do you always have to get all into this type of stuff? Dude. Really. Just mind your own business." Armin laughed. I grabbed his waist and pulled away, over to my bed. "Eren! EREN! HaaaAAA...!" Armin laughed. I was ticking him really hard, and I know he hates that!

I always tried to keep him happy, because it was more fun... To have happy fun-loving Armin around. Just Like Armin always would act, cute, cool, and calm. We'd always have fun and every now and then we would tell jokes that were a little too old for us, (they were hilarious) but that was always funner. When ever I said 'funner', Armin would always tell me that was wasn't a real word, but OK! (I love when he does that, but I don't tell him.)

We would always play outside, always cracking up. Thats when it happened. People looked kinda jealous, but they tried not to show it. They obviously had more friends, but they didn't seem so close to the... 'Leader' of the group? So today they're clique came over to us and stared at us like we were a couple or something. The big guy said, "So... Hey. Wanna play?" he said in a imitating tone. Armin looked at me, and looked back at they guy. Armin looked kind of uncomfortable, but he agreed to hang out with them. "Uhhh... Yeah! C'mon Eren! Let's hang out with them!" Armin said, trying really hard to keep a smile a song on his face. The guy, Jean, gave a mischievous smile and immediately pulled Armin away from me.

"So... What's your name." Jean said as he was pacing around Armin, looking up and down. Jean touched Armin wierdly, in places where he didn't like being touched. (Armin doesn't really like to be touched by people he just met, so it was pretty uncomfortable for him.) "Uh... Ar-Armin Arlert..." He said. Jean continued to keep teasing Armin. To the point where he was going to cry. Armin can cry easily, so he could have tears running doan his face at any moment.

Jean knew this really pissed me off. My face gave a threatening look, which made Jean look right at me. He finally let go of Armin, which was good but... "Jaeger. You gotta problem?" He said agressivly. "No. L-lets just hang out." I said back. "Fine." "Did I mumble?" I whispered quietly. He just ignored me, like most people do. Maybe that's why people hate me? That's why I dont really have much friends? Armin always tells me that I am free spirited, I have a tentatious spirit. Apperantly I speak my mind, too.

We finally get to... Our 'hang out spot'... In a dark ally. Jean turns around, Grabs Armin and yells in his face, "Strip." WHAT?! "UMMM. Wh-What?!" Armin says with tears forming in his eyes. The next thing we see is Jean's gang roaring with laughter... Why would they laugh at that? "HA HA HA HA HA! I'm kidding! HA HA HA HA HA!" Jean roared. "I wouldn't do that to you! But I could do THIS--!" Jean grabbed Armin by his collar. He grabbed mine to! He is really strong! He carryed both of us... Then blood was flying. Jean hit both of our faces. My face hit Armin's and hid nose and lip was bleeding, so was mine! We fell to the ground, at least we fell together...? Jean continued laughing at us. What was so funny about to kids covered in blood? Jean was laughing so hard that he hit the ground too. He fell over, laughing "HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! YOU KISSED HIM!" DAMMIT YOU JEAN! Shit, we even heard someone say, "YOU GUYS ARE SO GAY TOGETHER!"

Me and Armin got up, looking over at the group, bigger than before! Armin didn't move, I had to. "Armin... Lets go!" Armin Looked up, and bit his lip. Then we walked. We went from there to Armin's house.

When I walk in I see Armin's sisters playing with eachother... With make-up? "Aren't they a little too young to be using make-up? And playing with it." I whispered. I hear a loud squeaky voice yelling, "I heard that! Me and Carley are just having a makeover!" Giant Facepalm. (Wow, Armin's siblings look  a lot like him, and his Mom. She's really pretty, whenever we come over, we ask her how many guys hit on her, but she told them that she was married so...) "Jeez! What happened to your face? You could use a makeover too!" Carley yelled. REALLY LOUD. Her sister agreed. They said that they were divas and crap but  I didn't seem to care. They were cute... So yeah I guess they'll do it. Divas will be divas? "YEAH! Your face USED to be pretty, but now you have BLOOD OVER IT?" She yelled. Holy. Shit. Armin and I both flinched when we looked at eachother, our faces still bleeding A LOT. Armin told them to use their inside voice, but they didn't listen. "Hah... Heheheh SHUT UP." Armin said. "Armin? Eren? Hey guys!" A voice said. Dammit! It's his mom! What if she asks questions? We didn't turn around, we just avoided making eye contact. "Umm... Hi Mrs. Arlert! Uhh... Me and Armin are gonna go to his room! Can't talk! BAI!"

We both ran to Armin's room and locked the door. Armin buried his head in my chest. This was really comfortable for him, so I thew my arm over his shoulder and he leaned his head on my neck. His warm tears ran down my neck and into my shirt. He sniffled, "Er... Ere... Eren. Maybe they're right... Maybe I am--" "Armin! Don't listen to them! Don't! Just... Listen to me..." I said really calmly. I pushed his head against pressed him on my chest, just to prove that we really are close, and he can trust me. I can tell him anything. And I hope he tells me everything he needs to. "Armin... Even if you were... I'd like you anyway." I said. I laced my fingers around his. I pressed my lips against his soft lips, our tounges dancing in eachothers mouth. I really liked it too... Thats when it happened. Our first... Kiss.

"Eren... I--" "Shhh... It's ok. I kissed you..."

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⏰ Última atualização: May 14, 2016 ⏰

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