Try not to speak anymore sexual innuendos...

En başından başla

Kendall: There! All set for bed. Come lie down.

She helped me lie back down and smiled.

Kendall: Go to sleep. Ring this bell if you need anything, I'll come right away.

What!? She will not sleep with me? Why would she.. 'I need privacy' as she so effectively puts it! I can only request her.

Cara: Please sleep with me..

She scrunched her nose and her face was shouting WHAT??


Cara: I meant.. like sleep-

Kendall: I know what you meant. I was just teasing you.

She said and chuckled. Bitch!

Kendall: As you like Queenie.

She winked and walked to the other side of bed to get in. She pulled the blanket above us.

Kendall: Sweet dreams Cara. Try not to speak anymore sexual innuendos...

Cara: It was only a one time thing! It won't happen again.

Kendall: Oh my God!

She started laughing hysterically and I face palmed myself.

Fucking again!?

Cara: Shut up!! You are a bitch! You are mean.

She continued laughing and I pinched her using my left hand.

Kendall: Ow! What was that for.

Cara: For successfully being an asshole!

Kendall: Aww!! I love you too Cara.

She said and pinched my cheeks that were blushing deep red already.

Kendall: You look cute when you blush.

Cara: Hey! I am not blushing.

I said and blushed harder. The lights are off! How can she even see?

Kendall: Whatever helps you sleep at night sweetheart.

She chuckled and I also giggled. I missed this nonsensical banter between us.

Kendall: Cara.

I hmmed gesturing her to continue.

Kendall: Did you mean it when you said you want me here? To help you?

Cara: I don't want you. I need you Kendall.

She moved her hands closer to mine under the blanket and was confused as to she should or not. I solved her dilemma and closed the gap between our hands, intertwining our fingers. I closed my eyes taking the feeling in. The feeling of holding her hand.


Cara's POV

I woke up with sunlight hitting my face spreading warmth in this chilly London air. I turned my head to see Kendall peacefully sleeping. She was breathing slowly and calmly. She is an angel without wings. So beautiful and pure. I breath in and her scent fills my nose. Her shirt smells so much like the sweatshirt. Atleast something didn't change.

I stare at her for so long and she finally woke up. Her eyes met mine and we locked gazes. It was for few seconds cause she soon scrunched her nose and shut her eyes tightly. She groaned and opened her eyes. She gave me a megawatt smile.

Kendall: Morning Queenie.

Godd!! Her raspy voice is so sexy... Kiss me already! I regret my decision of not fucking her when I had the chance to.

Another Chance. [Sequel Of 'Her'] Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin