Chapter 1: Sparing

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(Vent = Sigh)

Ombra: Phoenix. As I have informed you earlier, I would like to get your weapons check. So, I want you to fight me. First in bipedal form. Also Flightpoint is going to be joining us.

Flightpoint: *Staring at Phoenix from behind Ombra*

Phoenix: Ummm are you sure about that? He doesn't seem to like me... *looking at Flightpoint* Midnight doesn't seem as.... How do I say this.... Nervous around me....

Midnight: *Standing by Phoenix*

Ombra: While that may be true, I wouldn't say that Flightpoint doesn't like you. He is just wary. Now then, for sparing, I want you to use any blades you have. No blasters yet. While I, will be fighting with bare servos. *Gives sniper and dagger to Flightpoint*

Flightpoint: *Holds weapons while still eyeing Phoenix*

Phoenix: *transforms into bipedal form servos turning into blades, looking at Flightpoint* ok... I'm ready.

Flightpoint: *Notices Phoenix looking at him* Umm...I-I'm going to be with Kane. *Looks at Ombra* Comm me when you need your weapons back-! *Scurries out of the room*

Midnight: Well then...I'm just going to go to the side. *Walks over to the edge of the room*

Ombra: *Silent vent* Alright then...*Mouth guard activates and gets into fighting stance* Apprentices first.

Phoenix: *guard goes over optics, shading them* alright... *runs at Ombra, jumping up*.

Ombra: *Side steps while tensing up arm muscles*

Phoenix: *lands on pedes and runs toward her again, running under her*

Ombra: *Turns around and pins Phoenix down by the arms and legs* Come on Phoenix. I want you to use your weapons on me. *Gets off of Phoenix and jumps to the opposite side of the room*

Phoenix: *runs again and swings her sword at Ombra* I don't want to hurt you though... I don't want to be seen like that.

Ombra: *Grabs wrist with blade one inch away from visor* Do not worry about hurting me. In war, when fighting the enemy, *punches abdomen hard* you give it everything you've got.

Phoenix: *Winces in pain before yanking blade back and slicing across chestplates*

Ombra: *Blade skims chest plate- takes a step back* Alright then. Good recovery from hits. That's a plus. Do you have any blasters? Or any range weapons?

Phoenix: *nods and transforms servo into blaster*

Ombra: Alright then. We'll work with that later. Right now, let's keep sparing. *Lunges at Phoenix*

Phoenix: *runs underneath and attempts to kick Ombra's legs*

Ombra: *Jumps up and spins kicks Phoenix away*

Phoenix: *flies into the wall and optics turn dark maroon* ouch

Ombra: I think that's enough for the time being. Go visit Ratchet. I'll call you when it's time to spar again- it'll be a longer session though so be prepared.

Phoenix: Will Ratchet help me? He's one of the bots who have been getting weird glares... Every time he helps me... I know he's a good medic and he's helped me before but he would always tells me about the other bots. *visor shifts back, revealing the dark maroon optics*

Ombra:....*Mouth guard deactivates- turns and walks toward the exit* Let's go. I'll be escorting you to him...

Midnight: *Follows Ombra while walking backwards and facing Phoenix* If anyone makes a mean comment, I'll beat their aft!

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