Chapter one

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Hey guys if you have read this chapter please re-read because i have edited it and i think its much better. And for possible readers... this will have mature content including violence, swearing and sexual content as well. DO NOT READ UNLESS YOU ARE 16 OR OVER!!! Also this is my first time putting anything on Wattpad and I did it on my phone so bare with me for any mistakes. umm im only putting this chapter up as a sort of starter because im not sure if its any good. if no one reads it, votes or comments then I will delete it and put no more chapters up. Also No copying writing. Thanks and let me know what you think.

My life has never been a ‘walk in the park’. I’m not saying I am hated by God (if he is real), but if he does exist, a little compassion might be nice… oh by the way, I’m Katherine Acaxia Alanbrook, I’m 24 and this is the story of my miserable life.

After spending 6 months in Spain, Italy, France and Germany, running from my life and the man who confessed his love for me, I have come back. I didn’t come back because I was ready… in fact far from it. I came back because I realised I couldn’t live without the man I was running from. Eric Donavan. I couldn’t stop thinking about his cobalt blue eyes and slightly bent nose that had been broken one too many times. His soft red lips and sandy blonde hair cut short. His strong jaw, muscled body and his personality all plague my mind.

As soon as my feet hit the familiar grounds of Australia I was off. Running through the check points and praying to not be stopped. My heart wouldn’t last much longer. I rented a car and grabbed my luggage as the company retrieved the hire vehicle. As soon as it was in front of the entrance I threw my bags into the trunk and threw a $50 tip at the stunned man who retrieved the car. I took a deep breath and drove.

I have taken this route home so many times in the passed 7 years that I could do it with my eyes closed. Perth is such a lovely place to call home and fleetingly I realise how much I missed the clean neighbourhoods outside the city before my mind raced through the words I would say to Eric when I saw him. My destination was Eric’s house but then I checked the time. It was 4:35pm on a Thursday. No doubt he would have his regular shift at the police station.

The drive to the station from the airport takes around two hours, but it seemed like only minutes when I pulled up out front. Jumping from the rental car I hit the lock button on the car remote. As soon as the car lights flashed to say it had locked I spun around and ran up the stations steps. I ran towards the new receptionist before a voice I recognised called me from a side door.

“Hey Katharine! What are you doing here? Shit, you aren’t hurt are you?” I turned towards the deep baritone voice and smiled brightly. I ran up to the hulk of a man who I was so glad to see. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head.

“Nah T.J, I’m fine… where’s Eric?” I smiled at him but he frowned. He shook his head and turned to the receptionist, still holding me tightly in his arms.

“Sarah, sign me out. I have a date!” he grinned at her and she blushed before glaring at me as he turned away from her. Hmmm, seems receptionist Sarah has the hots for detective Tray Jacobson. I don’t blame her, he’s one hell of a man. Loyal, loving, hot. But she hasn’t got a chance. She’s obviously too new and young to realise that T.J is taken… And gay.

Before we left the station I couldn’t help but embarrass him a little.

“T.J have you been flirting with the receptionist? How could you! I thought you loved me! I’m having your baby and we are getting married! Am I not pretty enough? Am I too old? Please Tray, tell me how I can please you!” I felt the fake tears stream down my face as I pleadingly looked up at a very confused and blushing T.J.

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