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"Well, if your ass isn't sore then I guess we at least didn't go all the way", Hoseok tried to make the situation better.

"That doesn't explain this", Hyungwon sighed, thinking hard.

"Does it matter if we did?"

"Yes", Hyungwon looked away to concentrate for a while and collect his thoughts. Neither of them remembered anything but it was clear that something in fact happened. "Okay, here's the deal. If no one knows, it didn't happen."

"I don't think that's how-", Hoseok tried but Hyungwon didn't let him speak.

"Look, we don't even remember this ourselves so let's just pretend that nothing happened. We both just passed out last night."


Hyungwon was a mess - inside and outside. He didn't know what to think. He saw his phone on the night stand and took it only to see that he had over twenty missed calls from his mom and a message saying. 'You're not in school. Dad and I are getting worried, we're coming home to see you.'

"Fuck!" he cursed and ran out of the room. "Everybody get up, clean and get the hell out of here."

"What's going on", Jooheon asked. Kihyun ran to toilet with a hand in front of his mouth.

"My parents. Hurry."

Changkyun was the first one to react. He started to collect some of the empty bottles to his bag.

"Just get out, please", Hyungwon tried to lift Hyunwoo and Minhyuk from the couch but was too tired. He collapsed on top of them.

"Let's go", Changkyun helped Jooheon to get up and started to drag him out of the house. Some empty bottles had left behind because they didn't fit inside of his bag.

Hoseok ran past the living room to same place Kihyun had just gone. Hyungwon had fallen asleep again.


"Why is the door open, honey I've told you to close it or the air conditioning will-", mom's voice echoed in the house but she was cut off by the sight that waited her in the living room.

Her son was laying half-naked on top of two other boys. On the table there were empty bottles of alcohol and what shocked her the most was her favorite glass vase broken on the floor with bloody footprints next to it because some drunk rascal had stepped on it.

"Hey Hyungwon do you have band-aids, I think I cut my foot", a boy jumped with only one foot from the bathroom but froze when he saw Hyungwon's mother. Mom turned to look at him and recognized him as Kihyun, who played in the same team as Hyungwon.

"Hyungwon!" she screamed causing her son to jump up from when he slept. His face was filled with horror as he saw his furious mother.

"Why so noisy", Minhyuk muttered moving closer to Hyunwoo.

"Everybody get out, now", she said after taking few breath to calm herself down. "Expect you, Kihyun. You need to be taken to hospital."

Hyungwon was about to turn around to leave the house as fast as possible.

"Not you", she pointed at her son. "Don't even think about running away."

Hoseok, who had found his way out of the bathroom, helped Hyunwoo to carry Minhyuk out of the house. None of them were in shape of going to school but that was where they were heading - with no books and hair and clothes that revealed that they had been drinking last night.


Kihyun arrived to school about two hours later.

"How was it?" Hoseok asked him immediately.

"They got the glass out but the cut might get infected and I'm supposed to use crutches but I don't want to", Kihyun explained.

"I meant Hyungwon's situation."

"Oh..." he looked away and started fixing his hair, feeling a bit sad that no one cared about how he was doing. "She took his phone away and I think he is going to be home-schooled for the rest of the semester."

Hoseok cursed under his breath. "This is all Changkyun's and Jooheon's fault."

"Where are they?"

"I don't know. Probably home sleeping", he shook his head. Those two had just disappeared so they wouldn't have to take responsibility about this mess that they started.

Minhyuk turned to look at Hoseok who suddenly went silent. "He'll be okay", he patted Hoseok's shoulder.

"You don't understand", Hoseok leaned down against his desk.

"You miss him already?"

"How do you expect me to survive. I probably won't see him in months", he pouted and Minhyuk kept rubbing his shoulder to make him feel less sad.

"It's not for that long..."

"Aw, shut up, Minhyuk. How would you know how it feels to be away from your best friend. You are never separated from Hyunwoo", Hoseok raised his voice suddenly and Minhyuk decided that it was best to leave him alone.


Hoseok left several messages to Hyungwon. They all were received but not read. He also tried calling but no one answered.

After the school was over, he drove past Hyungwon's house few times but there was no sign of his best friend.

Hyungwon didn't get online on Playstation during the weekend. The messages Hoseok had sent were read now but probably only by his mom. Hoseok decided not to text him anymore because if he said something risky, Hyungwon could get into more trouble.

No one saw him or heard anything about him. It was clear that his mom was stern and wouldn't give up no matter what.

Next Monday teacher told them that Hyungwon wouldn't be seen in school for a while.

"Nah, he's fine. I saw him from the window yesterday when I drove by", Jooheon tried to get Hoseok to stop worrying.

"Seriously? How did he look like?" Hoseok was suddenly excited even though he had been ignoring Jooheon and Changkyun for the past days.

"Like usual", Jooheon shrugged. "Or are you asking if he was handsome?"

Hoseok hit his arm.

"Well, he wasn't. Looked like he hadn't slept in days."

"Really?" he tried to read between the lines and find out if Jooheon was for real.

"He still had that sex hair?" Changkyun asked from Jooheon who nodded. "Too bad he doesn't have any of those memories to keep himself busy."

Hoseok looked at them with confusion for a while before suddenly something clicked inside of his mind. Jooheon and Changkyun knew.

"Don't worry, Hoseok", Changkyun smiled. "I have a solution for you."

"What?" Hoseok was grumpy.

"Me and Changkyun will go to Hyungwon's house to distract his parents and you'll sneak him out", Jooheon explained.

Hoseok got even more grumpier because he had been expecting for an actual plan.

"Come on, this will work. Don't you want to talk to your boyfriend."

"Say that again and Hyungwon will skin you", Hoseok muttered. "I'm in. This is your responsibility anyways."

no homo tho #hyungwonhoWhere stories live. Discover now