Chapter 19: Pug-face and Ferret

Start from the beginning

All of us did what she told us and said "up" the same time. Harry's broom went in his hand the first time he said the word. And I looked surprised..

"Up! Up!" I said, and finally the broom is now on my reach.

Everyone was now screaming "up"

"With feeling!" Madam Hooch said, Hermione was saying "up" to the broom like she was talking to a puppy, while Ron's tone was a complaining "up" and the broom hit his face that made him fall on the ground.. We laughed at this while Ron stood up

"Not funny" he said, massaging his head (rhyme!!! Ooh la la) 

"Now, once you've got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it. Grip it tight. You don't wanna be sliding off the end."

We all obeyed her and looked at her for further instructions.

"When I blow my whistle, I want you to kick off from the ground, hard. Keep your broom  steady, hover for a moment  and lean forward slightly to touch the ground"

Then Madam Hooch  whistled and Neville was the first one flying, but he was going higher and higher

"Mr-Mr. Longbottom!"Madam Hooch  said, panicking a little but Neville didn't listen.. I think Neville has no control over his broom anymore because the broom flew with Neville, flying wickedly fast!!

"AAAH HELP!!" Neville screamed

The broom was going crazy!! Crashing to the wall and flying recklessly!! Then Neville got stuck on a statue! I covered my mouth in worry as we all look at him.

But then, his robes started to slip off the statue and fell.

"Neville!" We shouted.. He was grunting in pain.. Oh no.. I hope he's okay.

"Get out of the way!" We heard Madam Hooch said, and we gave way for her. She hugged Neville and tried to calm him.

"Sshh.. it's okay" she said and tried making Neville stand up. 

"None of you is to move while I take this boy to the hospital wing! You leave those brooms where they are or you'll be out of Hogwarts before you can say 'Quidditch.' Come on dear"

Madam Hooch said as she helps Neville walk their way to the hospital wing.

"I hope Neville's okay" I say to Hermoine and she nodded as  well  

"Did you see his face, the great lump?" Draco said and the other Slytherins laughed as well.

"I'll take hold of this" he added, holding Neville's remembrall.

"Give it back Malfoy!" Said Harry, looking irritated as the rest of us as well. I glared at Draco who were smirking at Harry.

"Or what Potter? "

"Oh no .. .. this can't be good" Hermoine muttered.

"I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find... how about... up a tree?"

"Give it here!" Harry yelled. It was clear that Harry was pissed off.

Draco leapt to his broomstick and taken off, holding the remembrall in his hand.. Well, he hadn't been lying, he could fly well, and with style.

"What Potter? Bit beyond your reach?"
"Draco stop that and give it here!!" I yelled

"Sorry love, but I won't obey a doll face such as yourself"

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