I turned around, surprised by Nick's gesture of kindness. I never really thought about going to Nick for advice, I had this insane fear that he would tell Joe about a problem I had and they would laugh.

Well, it wasn't so insane...they were hostile towards me during my two years of high school. To spare Nick's feelings, I nodded.

"I got'cha." I smiled, walking back towards the choir room.


"Why are you so sensitive about this kissing booth?" Finn asked as he stood next to my locker.

I sighed, was he really asking me this? Wasn't it obvious?

"Uh, I don't know...maybe because we're kind of together? Did it even occur to ask me about this?" 

"Well, I figured since you love the club so much you'll be okay with it." Finn said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

I rolled my eyes, "Newsflash Finn, girlfriends don't like to see their boyfriends kissing random girls. Or their exes." I shut my locker and started walking down the hall.

Finn ran to catch up with me. He stood in front of me, blocking my path to my Math class. 

"I didn't kiss anyone.."He lied...horribly. 

I looked at the students who stopped to listen to our conversation. Didn't they have classes to go to? I grabbed Finn's hand and led him to an empty hallway.

"Don't lie, I saw you and Quinn last Monday in the hall." I clutched my books to my chest.

 Finn sighed, "Fine, we kissed. But she kissed me! I didn't even know what happened until she walked away.."

 "Really? That's the best you came up with?" I shook my head in annoyance. "Finn, if you set up that booth, it's all over."

I turned on my heels and headed to the main hallway, praying he would make the right decision.


Well, he chose that stupid Kissing Booth over me. Did it hurt? Yes, so much. I guess, deep down, I knew he would choose that booth over me...but I hoped that I was wrong. I love Finn, but there is a selfish side to him...a side that came out when he was dating Quinn. Speaking of Quinn, Sam made me watch Quinn and Finn kiss to make sure there wasn't a 'spark'. They told us that they didn't feel anything, but it was so obvious they did. You could HEAR the fireworks going off. Did he ever feel that way with me?

I rolled my eyes. Basically, this ruined my entire week. Even my glee assignment fell flat after I saw him setting up that booth. My thoughts were interrupted when Finn went to the front of the room, carrying a jar of money. Wow, he looked so...sick. Bags sat under his eyes, which looked a bit bloodshot. The color in his cheeks were gone and he looked like he was about to taste his breakfast for the second time. Part of me wanted to take care of him, maybe bring him some soup and pop in a movie....but the other half thought that he deserved to look and feel that way.

After Finn finished his speech, Tina went up to sing My Funny Valentine to Mike. The classic ended early when Tina broke out into uncontrollable sobs, soon making her go on her knees. Mike comforted her as Finn raised his hand.

"Mr. Schue, can I go to the nurse? I feel awful." He clenched his stomach.

 "Same here.." Quinn mumbled, staring into space.

She looked as bad as Finn. Santana then pointed out the 'Kissing Disease', naming all of it's symptoms and saying how it was so 'coincidental' that the two had it. I sighed, not wanting to hear the rest of this conversation. I turned to Nick who zoned out as well. 

"Well, today is Valentine's Day. Are you and Rachel doing anything?"

Nick's eyes went to the brunette who sat in the front row, watching the Finn and Quinn drama. "The classic dinner and movie. What about you?"

Kurt and the Warblers were hosting a Lonely Hearts Club dinner tonight at Breadstix for all the single people. I was originally not going to go, but since the whole Finn thing, I decided to go with Tina, Mike, and Mercedes. It should be fun, but a part of me just wanted to dawn sweats for the night and grab a carton of ice cream as I watched 'The Notebook'. But I was determined to have fun. I watched as Finn and Quinn left the choir room to the nurses office.

No matter the circumstances, I will have fun.


No P.O.V.

Nick smiled as he closed the front door of the house and took off his jacket. The date with Rachel went amazingly! It was probably the best date he ever been on! Rachel was actually pretty down to earth, not what he expected since everyone in the school calls her their resident 'Basket Case'. Even though Nick did want to kiss her, he just settled for a simple kiss on the cheek. Rachel seemed to like it, she had a giant smile on her face as he walked away from her front stoop. 

"Dude, where have you been?" Joe asked as he walked out of the kitchen.

 Nick kept his date with Rachel a secret from the team..just in case.

Nick noticed that he was holding a carton of eggs. They were for the football team's annual egging of the school and some of the houses of awful teachers. It was a tradition that Puck started back in the day, even though he doesn't go anymore as well as the players who were in glee now.  Nick put his car keys in the bowl as he thought of something to tell Joe.

"I had to drop Lizzie for at Breadstix." 

That wasn't a complete lie. He did drop Lizzie off before he went to pick up Rachel, he needed Lizzie to coach him on what exactly to talk to Rachel about. Joe knew that dropping Lizzie off wouldn't have taken two hours, but he shrugged it off for now. He had something more important to talk to Nick about.

"Okay...well, the guys and I are going to do our Annual Egging. Are you coming?" 

Nick was surprised by Joe's invite. He figured that after Joe found out about him being in glee, he would've completely isolated him from the team's activities. Joe rolled his eyes at how much time his little brother was taking. 

"Fine, you can just sit at home and be a glee loser." 

Joe walked past Nick and to the front door. Now, Nick will never be able to explain his next move no matter how old he is. He has no idea what exactly came over him. Maybe it was the thought of being bullied like Kurt or getting slushied like Lizzie. But, he answered:

"I'm coming!"


Lizzie P.O.V.

We gave the Warblers a standing ovation, they deserved it after that rendition of Silly Love Songs! It was beautiful! No wonder why Sectionals was a tie. After the Warblers had a little meeting, Kurt skipped over to us.

"Sooooo, what did you guys think?!" Kurt jumped up and down excitedly.

I pretended to be disappointed, "Kurt...to be honest....IT WAS AMAZING!"

Kurt's worried expression turned to relief as Tina, Mercedes, and I gave him a giant group hug. Tina and Mike left soon after, they had a movie time to catch. Mercedes and I waited until Kurt was out of the bathroom, he wanted to change out of his Warbler uniform before we went out for our ice cream. Just as quickly as they left, Tina and Mike ran back into the restaurant...except now they were covered in egg?! 

Mercedes and I rushed to their aid, picking the shells out of their hair. 

"What the hell happened?" I asked, looking at a piece of shell. 

 Mike wiped the egg yoke off of his shirt, "The football team...ambush." 

I rolled my eyes. Not a surprise at all. It was a tradition, Puck used to throw eggs at me all the time. But, something else was wrong. They weren't telling us the full story. I looked at the two.

"Is there something else?"

Tina and Mike looked at each other, as if debating if they should share their little secret. They then looked at me as I gave them a 'Well?' look. Tina exhaled.

"Nick was part of it."

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