Prologue: Brothers

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I didn't really know how famous my older brothers were and are until I was about sixteen. Like yeah I knew they were in a band and they were making a record but I didn't think anyone other than me listened to them.

When I was sixteen my brothers got back from tour and surprised me at school. They busted into my classroom and screamed at the top of their lungs 'miss us, Katie?!'. When I hugged them I heard whispering behind me but I blocked it out. They pulled me out of class and took me out for ice cream. When I got to school on Monday I was attacked by other little sixteen year old girls demanding if I was 'that kind of Van Halen?'. I didn't know what that meant, Eddie, Alex, and I were the same type of Van Halens as far as I knew.

Eddie and Alex are quite a bit older than me. Alex is nine years older than me and Eddie is seven years older than me, it's safe to say that I was a bit of a surprise. We were all born in the Netherlands but I don't remember living there, I was less than a month old when we left, I only remember going back to visit our family. I have always been close with my brothers because we grew up in a close family.

We're all interested in music, like our dad's a musician and my brothers started piano lessons while still living in the Netherlands. I started when I was five and my mom told Alex and Eddie to teach me. Both of my brothers pushed me towards their respective instruments and I love both guitar and drums but Eddie won, guitar always came easily do me.

I've been a drummer, a guitar player, and even a bassist once in serval different bands but we weren't allowed to compete a lot because of my last name. Most of the time they were novice competitions and when they saw the last name Van Halen, even though I was a sixteen year old girl, our band had an unfair advantage.

Alex, Eddie, and I all look quite a bit alike. We all have dark brown hair and eyes that our mom calls Hazel but I say they can't decide if they want to be brown or green. Our parents say that I look like Eddie would've looked like him he was a girl and Alex backs up their story. I didn't notice it until I was older but when we smile you can tell more than any other time. Alex says we act alike too but I don't see that one.

My brothers are two of the most important people in my life. I can't picture my life without my older brothers in it, I wouldn't want to. I love my older brothers.

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