Foxes Hate Water, Nuf said...

Start from the beginning

" I-Its that bad!?"

" I've seen worse.... I mean it doens't do much when your flat but still.' Tomeo shrugged leaving her to whine and look down,

" I thought all Yokai dressed like this..' She whispered weakly leaving Tomoe to pause and then arch his brow weakly... Say what? That was so racist on alot of levels... He grunted but sighed out and folded his arms a bit,

" You don't have curves..." he rolled hsi eyes, " And you reak of human flesh and blood... theres no way people would fall for this ploy.' Tomoe glared weakly making the girl gulp but swallow. She opened her mouth only for Tomoe to hold up his hand and glare slightly,

" And don't you dare tell me you were wanting me to take you to the demon world.. you foolish girl.' Tomoe suddenly gorlwed weakly and then looked down, he held his head and then looked at her slightly, his eyes traveling over every square inch of her.. he then sighed out and looked away, his face showing all his irritation.'

Especially when the girl suddenly pouted and looked down, her red painted lips showed her disappiontment and Tomoe had to admit the color was very befitting on her, VERY befitting indeed... but of course he used to always wear burgony and dark reds.

" If I do that you'll just get chased..' he glared slightly while Nanami suddenly pouted a bt and swallowed,

" But if we got out here you'll get chased..' She whispered leaving Tomoe to roll his eyes a bt and then look away blankly,

" I'll live..' he huffed slightly and upturned hs head a bit, " So stop worrying about me and get out of my hair already.' he huffed a bit and then looked away, " I want to be alone tonight." He nodded a bit.. this on the other hand made the girl blink in shock and watch as he started to walk away without her.'

" W-What?' She whispered in shock.... he was leaving her alone? But she thought.... no.. She knew he was a jerk but at least she was trying to show him a good time... afterall, what had she done to deserve this treatment? Did she say anything wrong to him?

" Your heard me..' The teenager suddenly muttered and then looked over his shoulder, hsi eyes almost showed old traces of his wild nature leaving her to blank slightly, her eyes wide, " I don't need anyone.." he then laughed and waved a hand past his hsouler before leaving slightly....

This only left Nanami to blink and then look down, her eyes grew weak as her soft brown hair slipped down in front of her eyes... Oh so that was it? What had she done? She didn't mean to... in fact she was just trying to make him smile a bit more... but if he wanted to be a jerk fine....

The girl sniffed and looked up but paused when her stomach turned, But if he went to the village...he'd get attacked, and she didn't know what she would do... Would she stand back and act like she didn't care? No...

She wasn't like this person, she wasn't like this fox at all. She swallowed weakly and then quickly picked up her tobes before running after him.. even if he didn't want to be followed at all.. She didn't care.'

The girl quickly ran after him and swallowed...


" Stop it!" Tomoe snapped and glared back over his shoulder, " I swear your ticking me off!! And do you know how much ycking you've done to yourself!? GET EVALUATED!!"

" I was talking to you! JERK!!" The girl pouted and puffed out her cheeks making him roll his eyes and quickly look away, his eyes narrowed slightly as he stomped forward and ground his teeth.

Oh thing.. thats all he stinking asked, peace and quiet.. but NOOOO He got stuck with.. with this girl, that was dressed like a tanuki!!! A TANUKI!! He wanted to turn around and go,

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