Chapter 8

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©CRGangell aka Whitesabretooth

Chapter 8

Amy woke to the feeling of arms around her, it took her a moment to remember the night before and that it was Susan’s arms which were wrapped around her. The utter helplessness she had been experiencing at the beginning of each day wasn’t there; perhaps having someone there when you woke helped. She carefully slid out of Susan’s arms and went to have a shower; she glared at her reflection in the wall length mirror for a moment, seeing flecks of Susan’s blood on her skin, that wasn’t what was bothering her, what was pissing her off was the fact she now had new permanent markings. Like the markings she received the first time she went to the Kings Men these were made up of symbols, a cross between a rune and a glyph, Cleopatra knew it was a language, could see that the symbols had meanings, she just hadn't figured out what they meant yet.

The new symbols were the same glowing green as her old markings, in fact you couldn't tell what was new and what was old. Some of the new markings started on her feet, gradually wrapping around her legs in a spiral pattern until it joined the old writing that circled her hips, she also had three almost ruler straight lines which were evenly spaced racing up her arms. Although the strings of writing didn’t join the old line that went across the back of her shoulders and down her spine but when it came to her shoulder joints the three lines joined into one wide band that went in another straight line across the top of her shoulders, up the length of her neck before it tapered off to nothing on the back of her ears.

Turning she focused on the lines that ran up her arms and recognised several symbols that ran down her spine and a few that circled her hips adding more credence to Cleopatra's insistence that the symbols were in fact writing and that it had to be important as it couldn’t be washed off.

She turned away from the mirror and hopped into the shower mentally cursing the little blurs of light who kept doing this to her, as she turned the taps on. How was she going cover these up when she got back to her world, she was a Senator and to the best of her knowledge no other Senator had visible tattoos that glowed! The heavy stream of hot water soothed some of her anger and she didn’t remain alone in the shower for very long before Susan joined her.

“How do you feel?” Amy asked.

“Stiff, tender,” Susan answered, “But great.” She smiled but frowned when Amy turned the water off. “Hey I was enjoying that!”

“You need to keep your scabs as dry as possible, and no scratching.” Amy told her sternly as they both left the shower and grabbed towels. Amy helped to dry Susan, being careful of the wounds she had inflicted. She then willed some clothes for Susan to wear, leaving Susan to dress while she dried herself and dressed.

Susan struggled even with the simple sweats Amy had made for her, as Amy dressed herself, in jeans, shirt, sweater, socks and boots, with a simple thought. Amy seeing that Susan was struggling helped her into her clothes, “I’m sorry… my teeth may have struck bone, I did try for flesh only.”

“It’s not your fault.” Susan replied.

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