Chapter 1

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©CRGangell aka Whitesabretooth

Hi everyone

This is book 6 in the Twists of Fate series; this story hasn’t been modified and is in its original form. If you feel you can come up with a better blurb or cover please email me and I might use it.

Have Fun

Chapter 1

The empty computer screen stared back at her, the monitor blank with only the flashing cursor to indicate that the screen wasn’t frozen, only her mind. Amy sighed and rubbed her tired blue eyes, the computer sat before her mocking her inability to write a speech, which was to address everything that had happened over the last two months. To calm the outrage people were feeling, which could well lead to a war. Outrage at the slave ring, which had been disbanded through her daughter’s action, and more outrage as news of what had happened to Ghost and Katie became public knowledge.

It mattered not that Ghost was immortal and had recovered from his savage beating. What had them outraged was that, just as Ghost seemed to be coming out of his self-imposed exile from both human and Were life and had found his soul mate again, she was snatched from him again, killed before him in a mindless act of violence. She had managed to talk him into joining her pack, to keep him from spiralling back into that cycle. However, it was Katie’s last words before she died which had kept him from isolation; ‘live for me, I will return,’ which were keeping him from running away from his pain.

The outrage was high in the Were and other communities, even in the human community, the world needed to hear that everything was being done to ensure that justice would prevail. That those who had committed those crimes, the slave cartel, savage beating of Ghost and murder of his mate Katie, would be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Tomorrow she was to talk at a press conference about these events as she had been directly tied to them, she abhorred winging it but had still not managed to write a single thing down.

Her phone rang, she looked over the bank of phones on her desk, she had three - the black one was for normal use, the red one was a direct line to the president of the United States and the third, the white one was for the alphas and her family - she lifted the receiver on the white phone and tucked it beneath her left ear leaving her hands free if she needed them. “Amy speaking,” she said as sometimes Joe answered this phone if she was busy.

“Why aren’t you home yet?” Wolfgang asked slightly grumpy, he didn't like his pushy valet telling him to find out if Amy was coming home for dinner.

“I’ll be home in a few minutes. I promise.” 

“Still having problems with that speech.” He asked, as he knew how much trouble she was having trying to write it.

“Yeah.” She admitted, “I’m packing up now, I’ll say goodnight to Joe then go.”

“Okay… I’ll tell Bastion to hold dinner until you’re home,” he told her, “I love you.”

Amy smiled, “I love you too.” She answered before hanging up. She turned to her computer and its mocking blank page before hitting ctl, alt, del and locked it. She stood and grabbed her briefcase stuffing the files on her desk into it before locking it and willing it to her desk back home so that she could try to do some work on that stupid speech, if Wolfgang let her.

Amy walked around her desk and groaned as she remembered the crystal globe she kept a lot of information on, she turned and stuffed it into her pocket before walking out of her office switching off the lights as she left and walked into Joe’s office. “Joe I’m off.”

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