His grin turned to a triumphant smile, he knew she had weighed her options and had no choice but to comply. She braced her body, ready to yank her hand back at a moment’s notice and put her right hand in his. She felt a warm tingle shot from his hand to hers,

his hand tightened, to the point of being painful; he had obviously felt it as well.

He turned her hand over and slowly started to bring it to his nose. She tried to pull her hand free before it got to his nose but he had somehow managed to grip her hand in a way which allowed no movement. She considered for a moment using her strength but she knew if she did she would hurt him, before she could vanish on him his nose touched her skin and he took a deep breath.

The next few things all happened in quick succession, his eyes flashed golden, he tugged on her dragging her into his arms, his free one snaking around her waist pinning her body to his. He growled gently in a seductive way and moved his nose to her neck to reassure himself of her scent.

Her scent confused him as it was a clash of scents that

were never meant to be together. However somehow they meshed flawlessly,

creating a scent which was so unique he understood why it had taken so long to find her.


beast had been disinterested

with mating un until now, knowing that

his mate was different he hadn't bothered taking part in the search. Wolfgang didn’t care that his beast hadn't shared this with him, he'd found her now… she was


and he wasn’t letting her go.

“Let me go.” She demanded and got an answering chuckle from Garnet.

“Unlikely… he has been waiting for you for…” Garnet said but didn’t get a chance to finish as Wolfgang’s now free hand which had held Amy’s hand, found her collar.

Wolfgang had been moving in to kiss her, a hand snaking around the back of her neck to tilt her up for their first kiss. He frowned as he felt something on the back of her neck,

recognising the shape and feel he started to see red.

His growl rose in pitch as his fingers tried to worm their way under the thick band of metal around her neck, it didn’t budge.

Amy tried to jerk away but Wolfgang’s grip on her hip tightened to the point of leaving quickly fading bruises. His hot breath came in angry bursts against her skin, it took all of her will not to quiver and respond to him the way she wanted to.

She wanted to reassure him that everything was okay; that she was his but her voice failed her.

His fingers found the loop at the front which the excess ran through and he reached into her sweater, fisting the excess length he tugged it up.

“Who must I kill?” He growled not noticing the quick scent of blood as the figure eight caught on her waist-let and the stones cut into her skin briefly. He watched as she quickly untangled the figure eight from the waist-let then tugged her sweater down.

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