I know, i know.

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Yeah. I know I am now shit. But can you tone the messages down a little? Please? I am tired of getting messages saying
1.) "Really nigga? U like Daft Punk? They are dumb"
2.) "Baryl is not cute and you shouldnt be Daft Punk trash"
3.) "I no longer reading ur story u are a bitch"

Really guys? Do you honestly think that was right of you? Also, do you think you're getting somewhere by ranting and dragging it on and on and on?
So what if I like Baryl and Daft Punk? They're fucking amazing. Please, guys. I'm fucking serious. I am not in the mood to read about how I am a dumb bitch.

Back to the topic:
You guys are really amazing and all, and I need your help! Mind doing me a small favor?
This is what you need to do: Message me or comment some ideas for my new Baryl X Reader (don't know if it is a X Reader, yet) (by the way, please don't judge)
If you don't feel like making your suggestions public, feel free to email me. Yep. I am going that far with this. I really appreciate it! Love ya guys to no end! XOXOXO

EMAIL: underfellsans95@gmail.com
Thank you all for the ideas! (If you're think on giving me any)

This is probably the most desperate I've been for a story. ;-;

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