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I sat at my laptop and typed, random things on my computer just to get inspiration. Sadly it hasn't worked so far yet.

"UGH" I banged my head on my desk. Then i heard my phone ring behind me. So I turned to my wall charger and picked it up.

You should come outside -Tim

Okay more ways to procras. I picked up my sweatshirt and phone and walked out of my room, down the stairs. Then to the front door and I opened the door and saw Tim with a big bouquet of flowers.

"Tim....?" I said chalantly.

"Cmon..." He said holding out his hand for me to grab. I interlocked our hands together. I looked at the blue cloudy faded skies.

Then he blindfolded me with a bandana he hand nonchalantly.

"Are you going to murder me Drake, because I will kill you first" I said

"Just wait..." He chuckled. Then he stopped me from moving and he un-blindfolded me. Then I stared at this giant garden in front of this giant building.

"Honestly I have been waiting for months to do this, I was just very nervous, but then when I realized all these flowers bloomed, I just knew it would be perfect" He said looking at me.

"Perfect for what?" I asked looking back at him.

I looked at him for a long time and he leaned into my face and planted a kiss on my lips, perfectly interlocked. 

"Perfect for this" Tim smiled.

Young Justice X Reader Oneshots (2)Where stories live. Discover now