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"Oh boy! Shakespeare" I shouted sarcastically.

"This is a class requirement" My drama teacher said.

"It's the law honey" I said.

"Just for that Miss Sassypants, I'm making you Juliet"


"Who's Romeo" I asked chalantly

"I was just getting to that, there's a new student joining our class, he's new to the school actually" She said

"OH YEAH SCARE THE NEW KID BY MAKING ME KISS HIM" I jolted up, I knew everyone was staring at me, I did not care.

I was like the rebellious class clown, I manage to keep that reputation, I love making people laugh. In this case I was terrified of the new kid, he knew he was gonna kiss me tho, MY TEACHER SET THIS UP.

A really cute guy walked through the door, no not cute, GORGEOUS. He had these bright blue eyes, and long black hair, like short-long black hair. I felt kind of embarrassed considering I was standing up in the middle of the class with my jaw dropped staring at the handsome guy in the doorway. OH MY GOD I HAVE TO KISS HIM.

"Sit down Ms L/N" she said

For the first time in forever, I actually obeyed. 

"Mister Richard Grayson everyone" the teacher introduced

"Actually can you guys call me Dick?" He said

"Dick Grayson... sounds good to me" I blurted out

He looked over at me and just smiled, after a couple seconds he gave me a wink, I cant believe I actually blushed.  

"So who's Juliet?" He asked. 

Oh god, oh god, oh god.

"Miss Y/N L/N" She said gesturing me to go to her. 

I literally just sat there, wide-eyed and everyone was staring at me. So I pulled out of my seat and started walking up to the front. 

"Heh Hi" I said nervously, not making direct eye contact

"Helloo Juliet" He said with this big grin on his face.

"Okay you two have to practice outside of class, since most of the other cast is in my other classes" The teacher said

"I did not sign up for this" I said

"Well you signed up for this class, and as your teacher who does your grades and knows how low they are in this class, it is required" She said

"Ughhhhh" I groaned, the bell rang and I stormed out of class. I knew I should have payed more attention in class. I felt a hand touch my shoulder, I turned around to see that new kid Dick there.

"Hey, I know that this class isn't your favourite" He said

"It shows right?" I asked

"Yeah" He laughed and it was so adorable "anyways.... you can stop by my house and we can practice lines, y'know" He raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah...." I smiled at him "Yeah, yeah sure, uh meet at 8?" 

"Sounds perfect" he said.

He handed me a note with his address on it. Wait, I recognized this address. I took out my phone in the middle of the hallway, even though there were kids passing by, bumping into me, gossiping, I needed to know.... Oh man. I went through Google Maps and searched up the address, I knew it, it was the Wayne Manor. The biggest house in Gotham with that was so big it might as well have it's own zip code. Maybe that's why Dick looked so hot. Wait but his last name is Grayson, and Bruce Wayne has never been married, if he had a child, I'm guessing that the press would know about it. I have got to ask that kid a lot of question, he's like a boy of wonders.

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