Chapter 1

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Temmie woke up in somebody's arms. "Hoi!" She said. "Aaah!" screamed the person. "I'm Temmie." said Temmie. The guy hesitantly replied, "Hi Temmie, I'm Omar." To that Temmie responded, "Hi Oar." Then Temmie fell asleep.
Meanwhile, a few blocks away...
"JUST... DIE.. ALREADY..." Flowey panted, dodging the man's feet. When Flowey entered this world, he immediately started trying to take souls. However, he hadn't thought about how big and fast humans are. Luckily, Flowey had a few tricks up his vine. The man repeatedly tried to stomp on Flowey, but Flowey kept growing just out of reach. Finally, the man ducked low enough for Flowey to trip him with his vines, and the man tripped right into Flowey. Flowey quickly absorbed him before he could start struggling. Flowey was now stronger! He started looking around for human souls to absorb.

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