One Year Later

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"Hey babe, guess what?" Calum asked the second I picked up the phone.

"I have a feeling you're going to tell me whether I guess or not so just spit it out." Calum laughed a little as I moved to sit crosslegged on my bed.

"Okay, that's not as fun. Just guess what I have to tell you." Calum pleaded. I sighed, grabbing my backpack off the ground and pulling on the zipper.

"What does it have to do with?"


"Us?" I repeated.

"Yup, now guess." I pursed my lips, thinking. I was going to assume it was good news or something otherwise Calum wouldn't have asked me to guess about it. And since it had nothing to do with school, it wasn't about his test for math. Us? I hadn't seen him in like three days. How could this be about us? "Give up?"

"If I say yes will you tell me?" Calum sighed.

"I thought girls were more alert about these kinds of things. It's our anniversary today Lily." I frowned. No it wasn't. Our one year anniversary was in a week or so. I jumped off my bed, walking to my calendar.

"Um.. No it's not Calum. Did you get your days mixed up? Our one year anniversary is in a week."

"Yeah, yeah I know about the anniversary when you became my girlfriend. I'm talking about the anniversary of when I read that page about me in your diary." I nearly screamed as he mentioned it. Instead, I crumbled to the floor in an embarrassed heap.

"Calum!" I exclaimed, which made him laugh. "Why do you remember that?" I demanded.

"What? It's funny. I'm going to bring it up at our wedding, I'm going to tell our kids."

"I'm burning that damn thing." I grumbled, standing up.

"Noooo. Lillyyyy." He groaned, drawing out the words. "I need proof that it happened."

"Why? You have your memory."

"What if I get Alzheimer's." I sighed.

"Shut up Calum." He started laughing. "Alzheimer's is not something to joke about and neither is this. If you mention it at our wedding Jake and my dad will probably kill you."

"Even on our big day?"

"Even on our big day." I repeated. He sighed.

"Fine.. But I'm still telling the kids."

"I hate you."

"No you don't." Asshole. "Anyways, I just wanted to talk to you about next week. I have your gift already." Fuck, why is he always one step ahead of me. "And I just wanted to know if you wanted to do anything in particular." Anything? That was pretty broad. "Movie? Dinner? Beach?"

"Honestly, as long as you're here, I don't care where we go." He was quiet. "I bet you're blushing really hard right now."

"S-shut up." He stuttered a little, making me laugh. That confirmed it. "Are you sure Lily? You can't think of anything specific you want to do?"

"Nope. I'll just be happy to see you."

"Alright, then I have to be romantic as fuck." I laughed.

"Shouldn't be that hard right?" He mumbled under his breath something I couldn't hear so I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, I have to think of a gift for you now. I can't believe you already have something."

"I bought it a while back. You'll like it, I hope." I smiled.

"I'm sure it's great Calum. Is there something you want? A video game?" I paused. "Something sexual."

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