|Chapter 1

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This chapter is a little slower but I wanted to build the scene and the situation up a little whilst introducing the different personalities a little. I hope you all enjoy it and let me know what you think bellow! Already starting the next chapter, I'm hoping to focus on each of the characters per chapter see how the development goes with chemistry but yeah, enjoy hopefully it's interesting to you guys ^.^

Chapter 1

"Paula covered my shift so I could go to class, she needed me to cover hers today so I had to finish late Danny." I tried to explain, my throat already dry and my words weak from the constant drain of customers. Starting class at nine and work at 6 with an hour break didn't leave much time for rest.

"Well your dinners cold." He muttered back, his voice annoyed as if I had purposefully chose to be driving home at ten thirty. Still, I bit my tongue and apologised again.

I couldn't deal with another argument, not tonight.

"Whatever." Before I could say anything else, the line went dead and I threw the phone onto the passengers seat. Narrowing my eyes on the one way road, I watched the headlights illuminate the fog sweeping through the woods from either side. Sometimes I didn't know what I was doing still being with him. I never used to be so weak but being with someone for four years . . . Well it makes it so much harder to turn round and walk out the door.

Somewhere along the line, I forgot who I was and he managed to break me down. Somehow I was stuck with a man who I could only dream would hold me and love me, every night I think he'll be less cold, that he'll tell me what I did wrong but every night he struggles to look at me, afraid to touch me like I was a disease.

Tears burned behind my eyes as my fingers tightened around the steering wheel. I could be so confident with others, hide the scars and wear the perfect mask but he rips me open.

What was so wrong with me that he couldn't love? What ugliness was he seeing that I can't cover up?

My eyes dart to the review mirror for a glance. My olive skin was thickly coated with foundation, my eyes coated with dark brown's and eyeliner and my lips painted dark red. My hazel eyes look dragged down, watered and tired and my skin looked dull as if cracks would appear any minute in my perfect mask.

Shaking my head and taking a long sniff, I focused my eyes back on the road, my posture straightening as I focused on the assignment I had due this week. Danny will be asleep if I'm lucky and since he's probably chucked my dinner away, I might as well get started on it.

A loud chirp of my phone caught my attention again as my head snapped from my thoughts and to the side to see it light up with Danny's name. "Oh what now," I moaned reaching to grab it only for the screen to shut black as the battery ran dry. "Crap!"

Snapping my eyes back to the road, my breath caught in my throat as a deer jumped right in front, its shadows casting rigid splashes across the front lights. Jerking my foot down on the breaks I yelled, steering the car from the road feeling my body thrusting up, my head bashing hard against the ceiling and back down again as the car bashed against the trunk of a tree. My arms wrapped around my face as my body was thrust forwards and back once more, steam rising from the front of the car.

Moaning, I reached my hand up to the back of my head and fumbled with my seatbelt feeling it click free. I pushed against the door only to fall out against the over grown grass and wild weeds. Slowly stumbling to my feet, I forced my eyes open and looked around.

My phone was dead, how the hell was I going to get out of here?!

The panic that seeped into my blood only made the pounding in my head worse. My bones ached and my back burned with a tightening around my lower back. The first few steps earned a whimper as pain shot through my nerves.

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