"Bella, Ana, where are you?" Rene asked

We turn around trying to find the source. We walk towards the sound, which lead us to a cleaning closet we open the doors to find a video playing. We hear someone laughting we turn around and see James in all the mirrors.

"That's my favorite part. Stubborn children, weren't you two?" James asked

"She's not here." Bella says with relief and I say with rage

"Sorry. But you really made it too easy." James said

Then he moves from the mirrors to standing in front if us, pointing a camera at us.

"So to make things more entertaining, I'm going to make a little film of our time together. Borrowed this from your house. Hope you don't mind. And...action" James said

Bella throws her bag at him and we head towards the door.

"Excellent. An escape attempt." James said from in front of us.

"It'll break Edward and Jasper's little heart." James said

He grabs a piece of Bella's hair and smells it, then he touches her throat.

"Edward/Jasper has nothing to do with this." Bella and I said

"They will. Their rage will make for more interesting sport than their feeble attempt to protect you two." James said

He was having to much fun to notice the pepper spray in Bella's hand. She sprays him and we run towards the exit again. James reels back briefly before jumping and landing in front of us. Amused, he flings us across the floor like a bowling ball. We smash hard into a mirrored column. James captures it all on tape. Yeah us.

"Beautiful. Very visually dynamic. I chose my stage well." James said moving closer to us.

"Still stubborn, aren't you? Is that what makes you two so special? Because frankly, I don't see it." James said

He inhales as if he can already tastle us.

"Too bad they didn't have the strength to turn you two. Instead, they kept you this fragile little human. It's cruel, really." James said

James flips the camera on but the lens is coated with pepper spray. He tries to wipe it off but can't.

"Well done. You've succeeded in annoying me." James said

He then stomps on her shin, I can hear it snap. Bella scream in agony.

"Tell Edward how much it hurts. Tell him to avenge you." James said

"No. Edward don't..." Bella says

I have had it. As James leans in to taste Bella, I get up grab his neck and throw him across the room. Wind starts to blow, outside you can hear thunder and see the lighting. The floor boards come up. My eyes changed, I could feel the power flowing through me. I used my ablity to control water/venom to control his body, I made him stand up and walk towards me, I had planned on killing him... but nothing ever goes as planned. Edward came out no where and tackled him.

"You're alone...because you're faster than the others. But not stronger." James said

"I'm strong enough to kill you." Edward said

Edward flings James backwards -- smashing through a freestanding mirror -- into the doorway. He scoops Bella up and leaps toward the balcony exit door -- when suddenly he and Bella are jerked downward. James yanks Edward violently onto the floor -- knocking Bella out of his arms -- as James flings Edward up into the top window -- embedding him in the casement and bricks. James crouches beside Bella. He grabs her hand looking directly at Edward with a sinister grin -- he sinks his teeth into Bella's hand! She screams in agony. Edward's rage erupts -- he climbs out of the window casement and suicide - dive - bombs James, and misses. James biting Bella sent me over the edge. I get up and glare him, he starts yelling out in pain. I stop the pain and he looks at me scared.

Lilliana Swan (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now