Chapter 8 - Excerpt Ask Isabel - Leah Tries to Help Stephen

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“What am I going to do? I’m the reason he got in so much trouble in the first place, and now I can’t even get him online to tell him how sorry I am!” I started to sob.

Rachel tried her best to reassure me. “Hang in there girlfriend, give Jason a few minutes to try and talk him into getting online.”

“Yeah, it’ll be alright Leah. Stephen already knows how sorry you are…we all do.” Penny comforted.

“I just had to have my way and now look at what I’ve done. I’m so ashamed.”

“Well I can’t let you live with that kind of blame all by yourself.” Rachel replied as she handed me a tissue. “We all agreed to go down to the meadow. And we decided to play spin the bottle. You didn’t force anyone into anything. We’re all equally at fault here.”

“I don’t know about equally at fault but thanks anyway. That does make me feel a little better.”

After a few minutes went by a new user ID finally came online. It was Stephen.

LightmarePro> Hello Everyone.

 Fairy_l@ra> w00t! Glad u came on Step!!!

PowderPuff4life> Hi Step!

Prettygirl> Hi Big Guy…are u still speaking to me?

LightmarePro> IDK…

            “He doesn’t know if he wants to speak to me? What am I going to do? I don't understand why Chamuel is being so hard on him. Breanna was tough but after the grounding, she pretty much forgave us."

"Yes but Stephen warned us how much tougher Chamuel was when it came to those kinds of things.” Rachel reminded me. "He's a warrior not a healer. Warrior discipline is much tougher. Those guys don't mess around. When I go to Metigo to train it is definitely no joking matter."

“Why don’t you let us log off, and we’ll head back to the dorm so you two can talk alone.” Penny suggested.

“Thanks you guys. Maybe he’ll talk to me if it’s just us online.”

Fairy_l@ra> Rach & I gtg. C U all later. Bye.

Jonathanismyname> Jas & I gtg as well. C U online tomorrow.

Prettygirl> THX everyone. C U later.

                “Look man you need to talk to her.” Jason told me. “We know how much you like her and our grounding is over. I promise you Chamuel will get over this.”

“He's right. It might have been Leah’s idea, but we all had a part in this. I’ll admit Jason, and I did twist your arm a bit but Dude you enjoyed every minute you spent with Leah.” Jonathan added. “Anyway, we’re gonna head back to the barracks. If I were you, I would take full advantage of this opportunity. It won’t be lights-out for almost an hour.”

“Alright…alright I got it. Get out of here you bums; I’ll follow in a little while.”

Prettygirl> Step are u still there?

LightmarePro> Yes.

Prettygirl> Will u please talk to me?

LightmarePro> I’m sorry about that, of course I will. I was just a little upset about Pop that’s all.

Prettygirl> I understand and I’M TRULY sorry!

LightmarePro> I know LM. It’s ok RLY.

Prettygirl> THX Step. I needed that.

LightmarePro> NP.

Prettygirl> What u going to do about Pop?

LightmarePro> IDW…he is still pretty mad.

Prettygirl> Mom was so angry at first but she is fine now. Pop will be too.

LightmarePro> IHS. It’s no fun and too quiet.

Prettygirl> I wish it was quiet here sometimes. LOL.

LightmarePro> Jas & Jona have been great. They keep me from thinking about it too much.

Prettygirl> Speaking about thinking. I’ve been thinking about u.

LightmarePro> Me too (:

Prettygirl> ): ^_^

LightmarePro> I gtg. Getting close to lights-out.

Prettygirl> Me too…am I still the girl of your dreams?

LightmarePro> Yup. SWAK.

Prettygirl> What is SWAK?

LightmarePro> Sealed With A Kiss. LOL!

Prettygirl> LOL! SWEET! C U soon, bye.

I walked out of the chat room as if I were walking on air. I ran straight to a somewhat started Isabel (who was the closest being to me) and gave her a huge hug.

            "I take it that means your little chat with the guys went pretty well?"

"It went great! Except for one little problem?"

"And what might that little problem be?"

"Isabel you have already known about our little camp-out and how much trouble we all got into."

"Of course Leah, everyone knows about your little excursion. But I’m very happy to report you have paid your debt to society in full."

"I thought we paid our debt, but it appears Stephen is still paying his.”

"What do you mean dear? You were all taken off of your punishment this afternoon."

"We are...but Chamuel was really tough on Stephen, and he still hasn't spoken a word to him. Stephen's brain is so screwed up he can't even think straight."

"Aha, now I’m beginning to see. So Stephen is upset at you because Chamuel is still mad at him?"

"No, that's not it at all. Stephen forgave me right away. He’s an incredibly sweet guy. I feel bad because he is suffering on account of me. I just wish I could do something to help him."

"I think that might be a little out of your league my dear. I'm done downloading the data Michael asked me to research and he just so happens to be in Metigo tonight. I haven't paid a visit there in a hundred and fifty years. I think I'll pop over and deliver this data to Michael and then have a chat with Chamuel."

"You will? Thanks Isabel you're the absolute best."

"I know dear but don't get your hopes up too high. Just because I have a talk with Chamuel doesn't mean he will necessarily change his mind. Warriors are a very precarious breed you know."

"Oh Isabel, you are always so modest. Everyone knows you're the most influential immortal in Seraphim."

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