Chapter three.

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Reese's p.o.v  

I opened my email account, seeing several new notifications from my inbox. One stuck out, a new email from Layla. The rest were just coupons from stores, and twitter updates. My eyes scanned the screen, and a smile formed upon my face. Layla had an interview, for the job. Not just any plain job, the big job. I more than ever wanted to call and figure out how it went, if she got it. There's no way she couldn't get it. She works hard at whatever she does, even if its wiping down a window with Windex. You better believe someone could walk through it as clear and spotless as it'd be. I moved the email into the separate Layla folder along with the rest from her, and combed through the emails before putting my laptop away. Sam would be able to fill me in, as best as he could anyway. I grabbed my bag off the chair, and headed outside. The heat outside was scorching, the longer you stay out, the more you sweat. Once on my bike, I slid on my sunglasses and hat before taking off down the road.

Halfway to the beach as I was cruising, a car passed by. A car that could only belong to Layla due to it's unique design. The people inside never glanced over, and the car never slowed down. Which meant neither did I. I went even faster down the street and through the light. Only to get caught at the next one. My heart was pumping, fast. I probably looked like a deranged psycho from how I was looking for Layla's car, hoping it wouldn't show up again. However to no avail, it did. I glanced up and tried making out who was with her. At best all I knew was that Her and Liam, the backseats I couldn't see. Her hair was longer, it looked darker from where I was, but it could've been from the tint of her windshield. She was smiling, and she looked happy. Which in return made me feel a tad better. Her and Liam were having a conversation, probably about the interview. They looked to be dressed up, so maybe they came to celebrate. Before the light could change green. I quickly took a right and went in the little grocery store ally. I pulled out my phone. A couple rings later, Sam picked up.

"Hey," He chimed.

"Sam, I just saw Layla what the hell !" I leaned my bike against the brick wall, the slid myself between two coke machines in attempt to not be discovered.

"What?" He sounded surprised, "How? Where are you?"

"I was on my way to the beach. Now I'm currently hiding by some drink machines." I sat to the ground with my back against the wall.

"Want me to come get you? I can put your bike in the back," He suggested.

"No, no. She could see your truck and wouldn't that be strange? You would have to speak to her, and I wouldn't be able to go anywhere so she wouldn't see. I can get there the back way." I huffed.

"Okay, see you soon," He sighed along with me.

"Bye." After hanging up I stealthily got on my bike, and down a couple more allies before the ocean was in view. As I neared closer I could see Sam's old baby blue pick up truck, also very unique. In our usual meet up spot was a lounging Sam in a hammock, and next to him on the ground was jar of pickles. "Are those for me," I smiled as I giddily sat in the open hammock next to him.

"And this," He said handing me an chilling cup.

"What's this?" I asked hesitantly, moving it back from me a few inches from me.

He rolled his eyes at me, "Can I not do something nice? It's not like I'm giving you tomato juice or anything."

I raised my brows at him, "Are you?"

"NoOo," He laughed, "It's grape kool aid, I swear."

I opened the lid, and sure enough it was. "Thank you Sam," The drink, hit the spot. I was a little woozy from the heat and the anxiety of trying to get here without being spotted. "What in the crap are Layla and Liam doing here? Of all places?"

"Well I knew they were going out to celebrate, Layla got the job. I just had no indication they would travel to Santa Barbara to do it," He shrugged.

"The way things work is beyond me," I closed my eyes, used my foot to push off the ground for a little swing, and relaxed, well tried anyway.

"So how are you feeling today?" Sam asked grabbing the edge of my hammock.

"Today is a better day, I'm feeling good." I smiled, it was far and in between that I had a good day, but recently... "You know, I've been feeling more and more better. For someone who had something terminal, I'd say I'm doing pretty damn good."

"You say had as if it's gone," He said, even with my eyes closed I knew he was smiling too.

"I believe that it is, and will be. Faith my friend." I nodded.

"Amen to that," He agreed. For awhile it was quite, in the distance you could hear Don't Mind playing on the radio that a group of people had by their blankets. Sam and I looked at each other and started mouthing the words. "Man I miss having you around all the time,"

"I miss being around you guys too," My lips pursed. "So how is everyone?"

"It's a mixture. Everyone had noticed the change in your absence, it's changed everyone a little. Except me, because I still get to see you. I have your jokes, see your face, hear you talk. It was like Layla was hit by a truck. Ran right over and left for dead. And I'm not trying to make you feel bad, you know that."

"Yeah I know," I sighed, "I'm a selfish person, I know. I feel bad I do, it's just that... I don't know how to explain it,"

"I can see where you're coming from though, partially anyway." He said trying to make me feel better.

"Have you spoken with Zayn?" I was asking something that I knew in the end, I wished I hadn't.

"Heartbroken, for starters. He was on a downward spiral for awhile, a bad one. Drinking, smoking more than the usual. But talking, no. He usually only talks to Layla about it when he's around. A call comes in now and then asking if you've been around. I wasn't the closest with him, so I know the least of out of everyone." He said shrugging some more. "He's started dating GiGi as you probably have seen in the tabloids. The guys haven't really said much about her, but they are serious."

A little ping hit me in the heart, but it's what I deserve. I am the one who left.

He looked over at me, "Just come home,"

"I can't go back okay?" By now I was sitting up, Sam followed my action. The wind picked up, blowing my hair everywhere, mostly into my face. Now we were turned to each other, his eyes were watery as well. "I just can't, not right now."


Authors Note: Chapter three is up now, and what a coincidence with Layla being in town and all . ;) Hope this you liked this chapter, and yes, don't worry the chapters will get longer soon. Reese is having some good days so far, but what does she have you ask? Have a good day. :)

Stay Rad ~Bailey. x

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