Even though it is all lit up by bright street lights, it's different from Las Vegas. So much different. In Las Vegas, you feel like a prisoner of a large town, which tries to persuade you to go to a casino and loose all your money there. In LA, you feel freedom, which you have probably never felt before. The amazing feeling fills up your body, not letting go. 

LA makes you want to stay. In Las Vegas, you want to quickly escape to a hotel room and close the curtains, so that the annoyingly colourful lights don't mess with your vision. Here, you want to look at the city for ages, trying to memorise all of the little details. All of the little details, that you will remember later on. 

I want to stare at it forever. Laughing and excited people, beautiful views and the atmosphere. It all feels so good right here and right now and I don't want it to end. I want this feeling to go on and on and on, settle down in my body, just like dust settles on surfaces and stays there until somebody wipes the surface. I want my body to be the surface, for that "dust". 

Our hotel is a giant building, based right on the sea shore. If only I could remember my trip with my parents, I would have sworn, that we stayed in that hotel. However, I can't remember the hotel and I don't want to lie either. We get escorted to our rooms, just like we were in Las Vegas. Martin's suite is at the last floor, to which we have to up in a big elevator, decorated with gold paint on the walls and marble flooring. 

I exhale in relief, when we finally get in the suite. Only now, I understood how tired I am and that I need a lot of sleep. I hear Martin tell something to the staff and then the door shuts. Feeling a bit dizzy, I go to the bedroom, which turns out to be a spacious room, with a king-sized bed standing in the middle. Falling on it, I crawl under the perfectly white covers and shut my eyes. 

"Aline?" I hear Martin's voice coming from the corridor. His footsteps can be heard somewhere around the door frame and I assume, that he is looking at me. 

"Yeah?" Slightly opening my eyes, I mumble. Martin is standing right above me, smirking softly. He looks tired as well, but when he looks tired, he looks handsome. Wait, he looks handsome every single second of his life and I mean it! 

"What are you doing?" he asks, sitting down on the edge of the bed. I let him take my hand into his, warmth running through my body. His touch feel just like they show when somebody enters in horror movies: the windows are opened and the wind is rummaging through the room. But, the room is my body right now. 

"Going to sleep," I clarify and Martin burst out laughing. His smirk turns into a large and extremely funny grin. I stare at him, confused and not able to figure out the funny thing I said. "What's so funny?" 

"It's the way you dived into bed." Martin continues laughing, but his laughter starts gradually fading away. Smiling at him, I take my hand away from him, just like a resentful child would do. Well, at least that's what I did, even though I am not even a single bit offended. I guess, I always want to make some drama in my life. 

"I am too sleepy to function, I need sleep." I yawn, shutting my eyes and pulling up the covers. 

"You are not going to change?" He asks, his voice a bit perplexed. He doesn't know, that I literally have no clothes, so he is super perplexed, I guess. 


"Good night." I can hear something sarcastic and witty in his voice, which makes my eyes shoot open. Martin is slowly walking out of the room. 

"Wait, where are you going?" I yell, so he would hear me in the corridor. I hear his steps stop. 

"We have a party with Watse, Audrey and others." 

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