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Nuke's POV
I really want to meet Hyung's friends! But he wanted me to stay behind. He told me to leave to the airport tomorrow so I guess I can be there on time tomorrow. I think he'll pick me up. Oh well! I already ordered my plane ticket and packed my bags and the plane leaves at 7 o'clock in the morning. Oh well I'm just going to watch Frozen for the time being!
30 minutes into frozen
Hello? I asked
Hey it's me. Hyung.
Oh Hello!
There's a plane leaving in an hour. Get there and get on that plane.
Okay! Love you see you soon!
Love you too. Bye.
~Time skip to when the plane landed
North Korea's POV
I know this could be dangerous taking her here at this time but if anyone dies during this they'll at least know who my girlfriend is. I arrived at the airport and saw her. I got out of the car and poked her shoulder. She then squealed and hugged me. I hugged her back and ran my fingers through her hair.
"I love you" she muffled into my shoulder
"I love you too." I responded.
I then got to my knees so she could hop on my back and so I could give her a piggy back ride. She hopped on and I carried her to the car. I put her down in the passenger's seat and closed her door and got in the driver's seat.
"I'm so excited to meet your friends!" She said.
"Me too." I said a little sarcastically without her knowing.
We arrived at the house and I opened the door. She ran inside and jumped on the couched now successfully laying on it now with her head dangling off the side of the couch looking at me. I shook my head amused and then China came in alert.
"What happened aru~?" He asked.
"China meet my girlfriend Nuke. Nuke meet my friend China." I said as Nuke sat up on the couch so I could sit down.
China just stared at her stunned and shocked. Soon after Germany and Italy came in too with Germany alert and Italy clueless.
"What happened" Germany demanded.
"Germany, Italy meet my girlfriend Nuke. Nuke meet my friends Germany, Italy." I said. Germany now looked the same as China and Italy was trying to bring Nuke to the kitchen to make pasta but he was losing because Nuke was holding onto me refusing to go without me.
I soon got up and walked to my room with Nuke following. Damn I hope my 2p isn't still in here. I opened the door and it was filled with pink stuff and rainbows and other stuff like that so I asked Nuke to wait outside as I destroyed everything and threw the girly shit out the window.
'That dumb ass.' I thought
"Okay come in." I hollered to her.
She ran in and jumped on the bed but soon laying down on it with her foot hanging off the bed. I shut and locked my bedroom door and took off my shirt and changed my pants to shorts. Nuke got up and took off all her accessories and changed her skirt to short shorts and took off her shoes. After that she laid down with me soon behind. I checked the time and it read 11:38am.
'Damn it's way too early for this shit.' I thought.
She faced me and I held her close to me like she was the last thing on earth and was about to be killed. She then looked me in the eyes and said,
"What happens now?" She said clearly tired.
"I don't know." I responded as I took her into a kiss I then took my shorts off so I was only in boxers, but I didn't touch her clothes. She held her stuffed bear I bought her and I held her both of us soon drifting off to sleep.
Hey guys I didn't know exactly what to write for this chapter so I brought Nuke in! Nuke is VERY hyper but when she's mad she can tear apart a school in 5 minutes so yea. When she's tired she wants to cuddle and if that isn't the exact way she acts Go_Girls_Go oh well. I don't care I'm not changing it now. Anyways bye fuck tards


Hyung Soo (North Korea) has a Girlfriend?! Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon