Edward is fuming

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We can all hear her crying now. After a minute we hear her taking on the phone.

"Edward", she cries

Oh crap we are in trouble now. She then begins to tell him everything. She is now sobbing.

"...Edward please come home. I don't want to play anymore", she cries out

We all wince when she says this. We all were just trying to have some fun.

"I love you too", she says crying

She begins to sob again. That makes us feel even worse. We are all going to be in trouble soon...

Bella's POV

I can't stop crying. My head hurts and so does my wrist. I'm pretty sure it is broken. I can hear my sister trying to contact me. We have always been able to talk in our mind's and feel each others emotions. But now I'm too upset. I need Edward. I need him to make me feel safe. I stumble into Edward's room and slam the door and start to cry. I quickly grab the phone from the nightstand and dial Edward's number. He picks up on the second ring.

"Hello love"

"Edward", I cry

"Love what is it what's wrong? Why are you crying?" he asks panicked

"It has been horrible Edward. Emmett has been playing pranks on me all weekend...", I begin to explain everything that has happened including my probably broken wrist, "Edward please come home. I don't what to play anymore"

I start to cry again.

"Shh Love I will be there soon. I'll stop home quickly and get my car and I'll be there in twenty minutes. Just calm down. Everything will be all right. I love you", Edward says

I can all ready hear him running.

"I love you too", I say hanging up still crying

I need him to hurry. I need my Edward.

Edward's POV

I have just taken down a mountain lion when my phone rings. I answer it and it was my Bella

"Hello love", I say

"Edward", she cries

I can tell she is crying. What the hell has happened? I should never had left.

"Love what is it what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I ask panicked

"It has been horrible Edward. Emmett has been playing pranks on me all weekend...", she says and begins to explain everything that has happened including her probably broken wrist, "Edward please come home. I don't what to play anymore"

She begs. And starts to cry again. I'm going to kill my family.

"Shh Love I will be there soon. I'll be there in twenty minutes. Just calm down. Everything will be all right. I love you", I say trying to calm her down

After all she has been through it is bad to have her all worked up.

"I love you too", she says hanging up

I know she is still crying and probably won't stop till I'm there. I have got the hurry. One thing for sure I'm going to kill someone...

Bella and her sister prank the cullensWhere stories live. Discover now