Bella and her sister prank the cullens

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This weekend had started of lousy then it had gotten worse.

First Edward is away for the whole weekend hunting. So I'm staying at the Cullen's. Then Emmett decided to prank me. First he scared me when I got there and sent me into shock.

Second I went for a nap and ended up sleeping through the rest of the day and night, and woke up with wipe cream all over me thanks to Jasper. I went for a shower and the water went cold after 5 minutes, I got out to find my clothes and the towels gone. Thanks to Rosalie. I went into Edward's room to get more to find to whole family there waiting for me.

They all smiled at me and when I yelled at them to get out they just laughed. But they did anyway. I then went to the cupboard to get some of my clothes to find they have all been tore to shreds and new clothes in their place. One of those tops my sister gave me. I really wanted to cry. I bet this was Alice's doing. I quickly put on something I don't really care what and made my way down the stairs.

As I hit the half way point something wet smashed down on my head. I looked at myself to find I was all wet. I can here them all laughing. I start to make the rest on the way down when I slip and I fall down the stairs...

Emmett's POV

This weekend has started out to be so much fun. We all decided that Bella needed cheering up. So we have played a few harmless pranks on her. Now she is coming down the stairs and I pull the cord that lets the water fall on her. We all laugh at her expression. Am I the prank king or not? She starts to walk down the stairs again when she tripped and she falls the rest of the way down, hands out trying to catch herself. When she hits the floor she cries out in pain. That stops us all from laughing quickly. Carlisle goes to her side quickly but she flinches away from him.

"Don't touch me", she cries

We can all see the tears running down her cheeks.

"Bella sweetheart I have to check you out", Carlisle says trying to touch her again

"No", she yells quickly getting up and backing up towards the stairs again.

She was now cradling her wrist in her other hand.

"I don't want to play anymore. I'm going home", she says

"I'll drive you home", Alice says looking ashamed at herself

"No", she yells running up the stairs surprising not tripping once she slams the door to Edward's room.

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