Chapter One

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"Mom, I'm not going and that's that!" I yelled at her.

"Ugh, that's the demon in you! And that's why you need to take your behind to church! Your ways must stop!" My mother yelled.

"Who in the hell are you talking to?! You're in my damn house! I'm a grown ass woman!" I yelled back at her.

"I'm your mother! I gave birth to you! That's who the hell I am!" She yelled back as her hand slammed firmly on the marble countertop.

"If I go would you leave me the hell alone?!" I screamed at her.

"Yes! You need to be delivered from the devil in you! You've change! I raised my child better than that!" She screamed.

"Mhm, let me get dress you're going to be late to church. Goodbye, you can let yourself out." I pointed to my door as I took a sip of my coffee. She stared at me long and hard. Her eyes filled with both pain and disappointment as it begin to make me uncomfortable. She finally shook her head, snatched her purse and left, slamming the door behind her. I locked the door back and walked to my room dragging my feet gently on the marble floors. I went into my closet which was just as big as my bedroom. I went to the red section of my clothes and picked out a red Chanel tight red dress that stop right above my knees and had two black strips going down my side. I slipped it on and and grabbed my black high heels that had thick criss cross strips going up my foot that stopped at my ankle. I walked to the body length mirror and put on just a tad of makeup to brighten my face.

I put on my Chanel black shades and walked out my closest. I walked downstairs and grabbed my Givenchy purse and my keys to my Range Rover. I walked to my car and turned on my Gps.

"New Baptist Mega Church."

"Make a left on Cardon Street." The Gps sounded throughout the car speakers. I pulled out the driveway and through the gates of my gated community. Within 15 minutes I was driving around the church parking lot to find a place to park.

"Just my luck." I smiled lightly as I begin to pull into the parking space before a white Toyota speeded into my spot and parked. I whipped off my shades and got out my car.

"Hey, I was gonna park there! What the hell?!" I yelled as the chubby woman hopped out the car along with three children.

"Oh, praise God! It's good to see some new church folks!" She smiled as the kids begin to run and play tag in the parking area. I rolled my eyes and hopped back in my car speeding out to find another parking spot all the way in the back of the church. I stepped out and almost twisted my ankle in a ditch as I fell on my knees cursing under my breath.  I got up and looked at the grass stain on my dress and the pieces of grass in my shoes.

"Really?!" I screamed as I tried to rub out the stain and gave up slamming the car door and struggling to walk through the ankle high grass to the front of the church. I walked in and up the stairs in the enormous sanitary. I was greeted by an usher with a smiled and led me inside the huge church. It was almost a small stadium with people up and down stairs shaping around the giant purple theme pulpit.  I looked around at the beautiful art work on the ceiling in awe. He tried to led me all the way to the front.

"I rather sit here in the back sir." I said sitting my purse down in the backseat.

"These seat are off limits Ma'am." He held his hand out clearing his throat. I looked at the four back rows and saw white rope blocking them off. I sighed as he led me all the way to the front. I sat down as a lady and man walked up to the table. I looked up and saw them on a huge screen.

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