A Cheater's Sex Game - Ch.2

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HEY! So glad if you're tuning in to this chapter because you wanna see where this is going!!!!!!








~Aubrey, Stacia, and Claire~

"Jerk." Stacia's voice was taunting as she poked Claire in her arm.

Claire rolled her eyes and took a cautious step back from Stacia, she hadn't meant to push her into the snow. Aubrey had scared Claire and she stumbled backwards, running into Stacia and pushing her into the snow. It wasn't like Claire hated Stacia, she actually did dislike her though. Then again, she disliked Aubrey too, but Paul was friends with Aubrey and Aubrey was friends with Stacia so they had all come to the mountains to freeze their asses off.

"C'mon you two. No time for play. We have some skiing to tend to." Aubrey's voice was high pitched and filled with joy, though heaven's know why, as she hated the cold weather like no other.

"Fine, fine." Stacia sang, her voice still mocking as she started towards the small shack to get her ski equipment.

Claire trudged after them, her snow boots sinking into the thick layers of the snow with each step. She crossed her arms over her chest, a shiver passing through her body.

Stacia smiled as she reached the shack, twirling a piece of her hair in her fingers and she tilted her head to the side, "We'll take three sets of skis, please." She drew out the last word, noticing the young man behind the counter was attractive.

"Sure, miss." He grinned at her and turned around, pulling the skis off the racks behind him.

"You can call me Stacia," Stacia shrugged one shoulder, her eyes flirty and her tone now sensitive compared to her previous voice with Claire. Claire watched the two flirt and rolled her eyes at Aubrey, out of the two, Aubrey was probably better. At least in her opinion. Stacia was controlling and had constant mood changes, gloomy one minute and super angry the next and then happy and ditsy. It was highly confusing.

The guy behind the counter passed the skis across to Stacia and grinned, "Call me Nolen. Say, where're you from?"

"We live in Florida," Stacia shrugged, "Tampa."

"Hey! Me too," Nolen's smile widened and Stacia returned the favor.

Aubrey bumped Claire's shoulder as she grabbed their skis and whispered softly, "She'll be flirting for awhile. Let's go." Claire willingly followed, glad to get away from Nolen and Stacia. She took a swift glance back at them, remembering when she and Paul used to flirt like that, before he finally asked her out. They never really did anything lovey-dovey anymore, now all they did was serious, and they didn't just hang out and chill like they used too, now it was mostly fooling around. This trip to the mountains was probably their first hang out like this in awhile, but she missed Paul coming to her house and them watching a movie in the basement, his arm around her shoulders, her head on his own shoulder, his other hand holding hers. Now, they would head to the basement of her house and start making out, never getting as far as sex, not in her basement with her parents upstairs, but usually taking each others shirts off.

Claire's attention was snapped back as she heard Aubrey give a small yelp and she slipped on the snow. Claire ran to Aubrey and bent next to her. Aubrey had her knee pulled to her chest, her foot looking limp. She bit her bottom lip and looked at Claire, "It hurts," she murmured softly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2009 ⏰

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