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I was stopped dead in my tracks with the phone to my ear.

 Your mom's voice in a panic, stricken with fear.

Your phone had died; I was beginning to assume the worst.

I felt my world crumbling; the tears came out...burst.

I called you repeatedly and I heard your voicemail each and every time,

I looked up to the stars, begged you would be okay;

No one could be ready for that; No today, not your time.

Then I suddenly found you online and my panic started to ease,

I sent you two messages, heart still racing uncontrollably,

Pleading silently, answer me please.

When you finally did, I let out a heavy sigh.

I never realized you could care for someone so deeply, until last night.

I texted your mom, told her you and I had finally got in touch,

Thanked the Lord above me and in that moment I knew I loved you very much.

I went out to the garage and cried for a few,

A simple cry of relief. Realizing what could have very well happened.

I'm just so very thankful that it didn't and that I still have you.

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