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I am tired, though I wish you were here.
So I could curl up to your chest, let all this stress and anxiety disappear.

When I'm with you all of the chaos seems to fade,
I listen to your heart hum and I know I am okay.

You were an unexpected suprise,
One that opened my eyes,
Enahnced the process of changing my views on this silly life.

You've taught me that we're only given one life,
So we have to take risks and give our all,
Even if it means we stumble once or twice,
Even if it means we fall.

You're the strongest person I've ever come across,
I admire you more each day,
Just know my feelings are true,
They shall never fade.

You're one a million,
The most unique, loving, and silly. Thats all I can say.
I wouldn't trade you for the world,
I often wonder if you think the same.

I'm definitely not Miss America, no barbie doll for sure
But I promise I'll be good to you,
I promise my feelings are pure.

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