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Today you're upset, it pulls at my heart,
For you will not tell me why,
You went to the doctor today,
I can only assume thats why you've been left an angry guy.

I fear the worst because you will not let me in,
So I pray to lord that everything will pan out,
That you'll tell me when you feel okay again.

I will not push you, for I know you're scared as well,
Just know you don't have to go through it alone,
I'd walk with you through hell.

Writing keeps me busy,
It also keeps me sane,
It holds me down when I see or hear you're hurt, and I can't help your pain.

I want to take it away,
But I know there is not much I can do,
So I'll sit and wait until you're ready to talk,
I think this is how I'm supposed to get close to you.

I'll always be here, even if you have nothing to say,
If you want to just sit in silence,
I promise that would be okay.

I'd do anything for you,
You've opened up my eyes,
Left me speechless on more than one occasion and always left with a suprise.

I will not ever leave you,
I promise I'm here until the end,
I promise I'll always listen,
And I promise I'll always not only just be yours, but always your friend.

I know you think I'm lame,
Sometimes its how we joke,
I just want and need you to know,
You are the egg to my yolk.

I'm getting rather cheesy as you would say,
But all I want is your smile,
I'd give anything, just to have it captured permanently for a while.

I promise I won't ramble on,
But when you're upset I hope you see,
You have so many that love and care for you,
So don't ever think differently.

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