10. alex

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Following my suspension was a grounding from my parents. I'm not allowed to leave the house whatsoever, and I'm only allowed two hours of television before bed. My parents are awful at disciplinary action, really, and I love them for it.

On the Monday, the fifth day of my house arrest and the third day of my suspension, there's a knock on my door at four in the evening. My parents aren't home, so I open the door and find Matt grinning like an idiot.

"Hey baby," he murmurs, kissing me softly.

"Hey... what're you doing here?"

"Shh, are your parents here?"

"No, why? Matt, seriously, what're you doing here? My mum's going to be back in about fifteen."

"Did you know that Emma's been released? She's been assigned bed rest for the rest of the week."

"Really? Oh... that's good..." My shoulder begins the shake in anticipation.

"So I paid her a little visit after school."

"What?" Dread begins to pump through my veins. Oh, no.

"Jeez, Lexie, don't freak. I just gave her a little warning about spreading filthy lies about us and what would happen if she did. They'll forget about you soon enough, Lex, you'll be fine."

My breath enters and leaves in short gasps as I struggle to form words. "Matt, she isn't a problem, you shouldn't gone to see her! If she goes to the police, you're going to be in so much trouble, and you'll go the jail, and then they'll start talking again, and I don't know if I can hold it together any longer and—" I break off with a hysterical sob that's hastily quenched by Matt's chest as he pulls me into a tight hug.

"Babe, it'll be alright. Okay? Alex, it'll be alright."

No it won't.

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