32. Forget Me (Part III)

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In this case, the self-defense course came in handy, and you were able to clock the stranger right in the nose. However, their grip on your arm didn't waver and as soon as your eyes met their's, your heart skipped a beat.

"What the h—Bucky?" Your voice was strained from surprise, and upon hearing your voice, he released your arm.

"I know," he breathed out, his flesh arm falling to his side as he took a step back to give you space, "I told you to forget me."

"You—you were across the street when the biker knocked my bag out of my hands." You swallowed, rubbing your arm where he had held it in what felt like a death grip.

"Yes," he nodded, a strand of brunette hair escaping his baseball cap.

"Were you—"

"Following you? Not really." He moved to pick up a photo from your dresser, "But I did hear you arguing with your landlord."

"Oh," you replied, slightly surprised, "All of it?"

"Every word. Your dad is in rehab?" He asked, examining the photograph of you and your mother, taken in the summer of 2000.

"He is," you raised a brow, "but what makes you think you can break into my house and ask me questions?"

"It's not breaking and entering if the door's unlocked, doll." He chuckled lowly, "And if I do recall, you had no problem asking me a dozen questions last time we saw each other."

"Last time we saw each other," you pointed out, "was a few days after you saved my life and then ran off to war."

"God, I didn't save your life. Stop giving me so much credit." Bucky said, setting the photo back down in the dresser.

"Then what would you call it?"

Bucky shrugged, "Saving your life would have been heroic, and I'm no hero, (Y/N)."

The sound of your name coming from him caused your heart to race; for some reason, though he could still be considered a stranger, he was able to make you feel as if you'd known him your whole life.

"Cliché of you, Barnes." You remarked at his 'I'm no hero' speech.

"So, you're getting evicted?" He ignored your sarcastic remark, eyeing your bedroom instead of looking at you.

You stared at him, placing a hand on your hip, "Why'd you come here?"

"I had no place else to go." He admitted, taking his baseball cap off and holding it in his hand by his side.

"Well, if you're seeking refuge, you're out of luck." You sighed, walking over to your closet to pull out your suitcase.

"Because you're getting evicted."

"Yes, Bucky, because I'm getting evicted." You glanced at him over your shoulder as you unzipped the suitcase, watching him mess with items scattered across your dresser.

"Funny, I don't remember you being so hostile the last time I saw you." He returned your glance, only to turn away again, instead watching you from the mirror's reflection.

"Maybe I'm always like this. You wouldn't know, because you kissed me and ditched me." You mumbled under your breath, obviously still annoyed by his actions two months ago.

"I didn't ditch you." Bucky said seriously.

"Yeah, you did, just like my mom did."

He froze in his spot, turning to face you. You continued shoving random items from your room in it, not paying any attention to what you were really doing. Your only goal was to pack up your things before Lee forcefully removed you from your home; however, other things were in your mind, too.

"Forgetting me was in your best interest—is in your best interest." Bucky said, folding his arms over his chest as he watched you pack.

"Is? As in, you're going to tell me the same damn thing for the third time?" You pushed your clothes deep into the suit case before turning to face him, surprised to see him only a few feet away from you.

"I haven't decided yet. Your attitude concerns me."

"Well, I apologize for not being as nice as I was two months ago, but I'm in a whole different situation than I was in then. I have a lot on my mind." You frowned, tapping your fingers nervously on the side of your leg.

"Me, too." Bucky muttered, tilting his head sideways as he looked at you.

"Then I guess we're in the same boat." You sighed.

Bucky nodded, walking so close to you that you could nearly feel his breath. He reached passed you and shut your suitcase before pulling his arm back and standing still, "You can stop packing."

"What? Why?" You questioned him, watching his actions, becoming flustered due to his close proximity.

"Because you're not getting evicted."

"I thought you said you heard the whole argument. I have to be gone by tonight."

Bucky simply shook his head, "I can handle that guy."

"I don't need you to do me any favors." You said seriously, looking up at him.

"Why not?"

"Because you're no hero." You blinked, looking away and then back at him.

A small smirk spread across his face, "Using my own words against me, huh? умная."

"Very." You said amusingly.

"You have no clue what I said, do you?" He chuckled, taking another step towards you.

"Smart?" You tried.

He shook his head, his metal hand moving to cup your cheek.

"умная," he repeated, "means clever."

He leaned in as if to kiss you, but you turned your face in time for him to miss your lips and instead, he kissed your cheek.

"No way in hell am I letting you kiss me again." You scoffed, nearly laughing.

He arched a brow, "And why not?"

"Because last time, you left and disappeared without a trace for two months." You reminded him, his blue eyes studying you intently.

"This won't be like last time, though." He said, tucking your hair behind your ear with his flesh hand.

"And why not?" You asked, partially mocking his words.

Bucky merely smiled and shrugged before bringing your face to his, closing what little space had managed to wedge itself between you. You melted into him, giving into the kiss that you hadn't been able to get out of your mind ever since he'd left.

"Because," he pulled away, needing to catch his breath, "I'm not going anywhere this time."

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