15 - breakaway

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I walked into my bathroom, stripping down my boxershort and getting in the shower.
The warm water falling down on me, as I enjoyed the comforting feeling. I quickly rinsed my body and hair off, but still staying in the shower for another ten minutes, just leaning against the wall and thinking about what could happen tonight.

I hoped everything worked out without us having an argument or me getting on her nerves with asking too many questions she doesn't want to answer.
I only wanted her to myself tonight, that was for sure.

After I got out of the shower, I put on a fresh pair for boxers, a sweatshirt and my sweatpants, brushed my teeth and got out for a smoke.

I opened the patio door and seated myself outside, putting the cigarette between my teeth and lit it.
After a few drags I heard the door underneath me open and I instantly smiled, knewing it was Millie.
I just wanted to make myself known as I heard her talking to someone.

"No, nothing new. Everyone is quite boring here, I met a few new people and they seem really cool though, but this whole fucking town is really boring." I heard her lighting her cigarette aswell.
After a few moments she let out a loud laugh, "no way? I always told her to use protection, of course she would get pregnant one day." I chuckled to myself.
"No, haven't heard from him since the day I left and I want to leave it that way." Her mood changed instantly, she now sounding harsh.
"It doesn't fucking matter what happened, Lexie. For fuck's sake, I don't want to talk about it... no..oh my god, that's not... no I don't want to fight either... Tell me some new business..."

I knew it was wrong to listen to her conversation, but it wasn't like there was anything top secret about the topics she talked about. But from who hasn't she heard and why doesn't she want to talk about it? Maybe her dad? Or just an old friend?
I was overthinking this, definitely.

"Okay, okay. There is this guy I met.. No, I have no feelings... Harry.." Now she had my attention.
"Quite tall, curly dark brown hair, green eyes... toned...," I wanted to scream hot, but bit my tongue.
"We had sex, yes.. honestly?," she asked, "amazing.. he knows how to pleasure a girl, even though he's got a tiny penis.. I know right." My eyes widened in shock, I looked down on my crotch. My dick is fucking big, what is she talking about? It's not fucking tiny.. or.. is it?

I lifted the waistband ond my sweatpants and boxershorts to look at it. No, definitely not tiny.

"I know, never had this before. At first I thought, shit, so hot and such a micropenis. But when we started I didn't even knew what to think, because I've never experienced something like this." She sounded surprised and I was beyond confused.
Was I thinking to big, literally, about myself?

"And you know what the best part about this is?" She asked, sounding excited.
"That he is fucking eavesdropping right now, thinking I didn't notice." She errupted in loud laughter and I felt my cheeks turn red. I was so happy she couldn't see me right now.
I slapped my hand on my forehead, quietly chuckling to myself.

"You fucking asshole." She shouted, but I could hear the smile in her voice.
I was still too embarrassed to actually respond.

"Yes, I'll call you back soon. Tell everyone I miss them, byeeee." She dragged out the 'e' and with that she hung up.

"You dickhead." She said.
"I'm not even sorry, but still, I was a little shocked." I said quietly, but loud enough for her to hear me.
"That's what you get for listening to conversations that aren't meant for your ears." She scolded, "see you at seven." she added and then I heard her patio door closing.

I let out a loud grunt and sank back into my chair, still fucking embarrassed.

After I put my cigarette in the ashtray, I walked back inside.
My watch read 6.34pm and I decided on changing and then walking upstairs, it was almost seven so I guess it would be okay for her.

reckless - h.s / mature contentWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt