Chapter 52: Perplexing Relations

Start from the beginning

"Oh my God, look at you! All grown up and -" Karen pulled her into a hug again. " You've turned into such a beautiful young lady! I've missed you honey!"

Salma forced another polite smile. She was not bothered by Karen or her hugs. In fact, she was genuinely pleased to see her after all this time, but she was tired and frustrated and wanted to be left alone.

"Mum, if you're done trying to suffocate her," Salma heard James's sarcastic voice behind her, "can we, perhaps, greet each other?"

He had been uncharacteristically quiet and patient the whole time.

"Of course!" Karen chuckled, backing off, "Do you remember my boys, Salma?"

"Yes," Salma gave her a tight lipped reply.

Not looking at her mother, she quickly covered her face again before turning around to face the boys. Salma could see confusion clouding Karen's eyes but she chose to stay silent, and for that Salma was really grateful.

"Hi Sally!" Dean smiled cheerfully.

Salma's emotions suffered another storm when Dean extended his hand to her. She looked at her mother from the corner of her eye, silently screaming at her in protest but Alley ignored her. Salma's mother had never been one to stand up to traditions even if they were clearly forbidden in Islam. So long as it was culturally and socially acceptable, she never had the strength to challenge the action.

"I - I don't --"

"Salma, you've known them since you were kids," Alley cut short Salma's feeble attempt at an explanation.

She had to struggle against glaring at her mum. Feeling defeated and furious, she shook Dean's hand, making sure her long abaya sleeve was drawn over her fingers.

"Hi," Salma croaked, feeling a lump in her throat.

"You remember me, don't you?" Dean smiled. "I was your favorite!"

Her favorite? Salma bit the inside of her cheek, forcing herself to stay calm.

"Favorite? Meh!" James pushed his brother aside. "Sallabae has always loved me better, ain't that right?"

James stood in front of her with his arms crossed over his chest. Salma forced a smile, grateful that he did not ask for a hand shake.

"Oh I remember," Karen spoke up, "You two were quite the nightmare back when you were little."

"Right," James grinned, "And that is exactly why I will settle for nothing less than a hug!"

Salma's breath got stuck in her throat. James laughed and opened his arms. Salma's eyes flitted to her mother, wondering if she would finally speak. This was beyond cultural or social acceptance. Seeing the adoring smile on her face, Salma knew she was on her own. Taking a step away from James, she swallowed.

"It's nice to meet you," Salma said through her tears, feeling betrayed by her mum, "but I prefer you guys don't invade my physical space."

Before anyone could stop or question her, Salma ran upstairs.


Sitting crossed legged on her bed, Salma waited for Maghrib to set in. After taking refuge in her room, Salma did not let anyone in even after they threatened to knock the door down. Except for Karen, everyone tried to get her out of her hideout. Her mother tried scolding her after her universal emotional blackmail methods failed but Salma did not budge. Burying her head deeper into her pillow, she cried feeling violated, humiliated and offended. Salma was especially upset with her mother for not covering up for her.

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