I jolted up and hugged Eight again. Doing my best to keep my feet untouched by the disgusting ground. My legs are wrapped around her waist ever so tightly and my arms around her neck for dear life. My eyes were shut, not wanting to see any more of that.

Eight's palms are on my back, supporting my weight. By this time, I can feel One's and that Bambam boy's eyes on me. How are they so calm?!

"Eight, please, please get me out of here."

"Autumn, you need to get down, I need to change your bandage." She said softly, caressing my back.

"No, it's fine. Let's just get out of here." Sounding very afraid I pleaded again.

"Sorry, mate. We're already near the summit." One said intervened.

With forced courage, I decided to open my eyes and try to overcome the fear. Just when I saw One staring at me, my eyes scanned the place. The trees are leafless and the trunk is turned burnt. The vines were thorny and mostly covered in blood. The supposed to be soil is almost black and a bit drenched. I started to hear wings about to take off. It's gotten very dark as well.

"Eight. . . Guys, please I don't want to be here anymore." I gagged, feeling the last meal I ate is about to exit my mouth. Heaving and trying to stop myself from vomiting, Eight suggested. "One, think it's best if we call it day and continue tomorrow."

"Yeah. It is getting dark and demons will start to come out."

My eyes popped open. Demons? Are they still doing this here? Really? "So should I expect witches and ghosts next?" I managed to say while still trying to stop myself from puking.

"Yes!" One exclaimed, happily mocking me before turning around to take Bambam's backpack from him.

"I'll keep Autumn off the ground so hurry and assemble the tent. I'm trying to save energy and time here." Eight requested. Then I finally couldn't keep it inside. I puked at the sight of a large intestine twirled around the trunk of a dead tree. It's also too big to assume it's from a human.

As I continue to vomit I heard all of them groan in dismay.


Sitting inside the tent that they set up, I still felt weird knowing I'm in a place where the rotten smell is everywhere and parts of human anatomy are crawling somewhere - hopefully not anywhere near us. I watched them find their comfortable position. Eight also changed the bandage on my forehead with her handkerchief.

One zipped the tent after and it was completely dark inside. I reached for Eight at my right and I accidentally touched her inner thigh. I panicked and moved quickly to lay my hand on another part of her, avoiding any intimate area.

Soon enough, a light was emitted from a stone that One placed in the middle of the four of us. "Now we have light coming from a rock?" I asked, pointing at the magical stone. "So now, what do you call that thing?"

"That I bought from a witch friend. And no pun intended." One clarified.

I nodded, trying my best to be open-minded. Since I'm here in a very terrifying place with three weird and strange twilight fans, I better try to be cooperative.

Now that I realize my hand is on top of Eight's, I snatched it back immediately. She looked at me with a small smile on her lips. I cleared my throat. "So. . . Can you now orient me with all this. . .stuff?" I motioned my hands around.

I looked at them one by one, "I mean, I should at least know what's going on cos I'm pretty sure everything is driving me crazy here."

"Fire the questions. Just try to have an open mind cos everything will sound unbelievable."

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