13. Is It Safe? ;)

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(A/N - Second update for the day!  I hope you all enjoy chapter 13!  More chapters coming tomorrow!!!)


I opened my eyes and squinted, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings.  It only took me another moment to realize Harry and I fell asleep in the guest house.  I look to my left and see his beautiful sleeping figure.  His chest slowly rising and falling with his breathing.  He was beautiful.

“Wake up, babe” I said softly and I kind of surprised myself with the nickname that flowed out of my mouth without a thought.  I gently caressed his cheek with the back of my index and middle fingers.  He slowly began to move a bit and his eyes began to flutter.  One of his hands was on my hip and he gripped it tightly.

“Good morning” he said in his sexy ‘I’m half awake’ voice.  I continued rubbing his cheek until his eyes were all the way open and looking into mine.

He leaned in for a kiss, which I happily returned.  I rolled over onto my back and turned my head to look at the alarm clock on the night stand.  It read just after ten in the morning.  I groaned and rolled back into the comfort of his chest and arms.

“We should get up.  You have your ultrasound at half one.  I have to go home and change.  I don’t have any clothing here.” He says to which I reply “ok”.

We groggily drag ourselves into the main house and my mother greets us with breakfast.  I perk right up.  We sat and ate in silence and once we were finished, I said goodbye to Harry so that he would be able to go home and change.  He would be back a little bit before one.  We would have to leave for my dad’s office by one.

I made my way up to my room to shower.  Hot water soothed my aching muscles.  Ever since becoming pregnant, my body just aches all the time.  Hopefully that goes away soon.  I began thinking that I wish Harry stayed and maybe he could have showered with me.  Damn these hormones.  I am literally horny like seventy five percent of the time.  Maybe I’ll talk to Dr. Bennet when my father isn’t around and ask how safe it is for me to have sex.  God, I just so badly want Harry again. 

Maybe I can ask him if he would like to stay in the guest house with me for the remainder of the winter break.  His family will be home on the third, a week from today, and we go back to school on the sixth.  So maybe we can just see over the next week what it will be like to live together, and maybe have a bunch of sex.  Jesus Niall, get a grip.

I still don’t know what I am going to do when school starts back up.  I’m so horrible for feeling like I don’t want people to see that Harry and I know each other, but I just don’t want people to talk about me.  Maybe they won’t care.  Oh, who am I kidding, of course people will care that I, Niall Horan, most popular guy in school am hanging out with Harry Styles, basically least and most unknown person in school.  I finally decide to push all the thoughts from my head and finish my shower.

Harry has returned to the house by a quarter to one.  We decide to leave early so that my mum can stop by McDonalds to get me food.  I am craving a cheeseburger, extra pickles, chips with honey mustard and I think I want a chicken sandwich, too. 

Harry laughs at me from the back seat as I am moaning with each bite I take.  I turn my head and glare at him.  He just doesn’t understand how amazing this food is right now.

We pull into the parking garage of the medical office building just as I finish off the last chip.  We make our way up to my father’s floor through the employee’s elevator and entrance.  We all go into my father’s office.  He is on the phone when we arrive and so we all take a seat on the sofa to wait for him to finish.

It Happened One Night    *Completed*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora