Can I Get You Out

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Alex's POV
"Can I get you out?"
The man asked.

I'm quite.

"Well even though, your still inside I can get you off the hook. But I know if I get you out, I won't get a second look."
Keith sings.

I hesitate at first, but nod slowly.

"I knew I'd get an answer out of you after that question. My name is Keith."
Keith said.

"Poor thing, you have no shoes. Your clothes are ripped. Baby, poor baby."

He went back to his truck, and came back with bolt cutters,-whatever those are.

First he cut the ropes off my wrists with a pocket knife. (Why he has one, I don't know) At first when he pulled it out, I leaned back in fear. I knew he wasn't gonna hurt me, but after all I've been through, who could I trust?

I started to cry.

"It's ok. I'm not gonna hurt you."
He said, but I still fought.

He kept some distance between him and I. Not cause he was afraid, but because he didn't wanna hurt me, accidentally.

He tried to cut the lock, but it was no use.

'I don't think I can lift this, plus I don't want anything to happen to this cute little boy'
He thought as he smiled at me.

"Let me see if I can take it apart."
He said out loud.

He started to take the thing apart, it took a while. Inside I was getting impatient, but I didn't want him to know that, so I sat there watching him. I didn't want to say anything for fear of aggravating him.

"I don't know if I can get this open."
He said kneeling on the ground, looking at me through the black, metal bars.

After like 45 minutes of pulling, prying, and cutting, the cage finally broke.

He picked me up out of the cage for fear that I might further injure myself on the sharp bars.

"Can I carry you bud since you have no shoes? I don't want you walking on the hard stones."

I nodded hesitantly, and held my arms up too him as he picked me up.
He sat me in the truck, bucked me in, and we were off.

I don't know this yet, and won't for a while, but the biggest thing this gentlemen will teach me, is how to trust.-It won't last long though. Then it's up to someone else to help me understand why people do the things they do.

Anyone wanna guess what his name is?
He is a friend of Keith's.🏴

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