~Caught in a lie~

Start from the beginning

“Wait” I throw my hand up and towards his chest to make him stop. “The pony stays in my room, and sadly no boys are allowed” I hope he is getting the hint; I don’t want him near me or even next door.

My mother approaches us from the living room “Honey, don’t be ridicules, show the boy around” She mother glances at Wesley with a genuine smile. What is with her and showing up at horrible times.

“Finnneee” I while stomping up the stairs.

It’s not that I don’t like Wesley, he seems perfect and any perfect guy belongs to Angel. She will be coming soon to snag him like he is on display at the store and keep him until she is done and returns him as if he is a broken toy.

I come to a hault outside my bedroom door. Omg, Wesley is coming into my bedroom; Just act normal, act normal. I swing my door open and walk in with him following behind me.

“So where is the pony or was that just an excuse to get me into your room” He chuckles in amusement.

I ignore is comment for a second while I scan my room for something I could use as a pony. My eyes stop on a pony stuff animal lying on my dusty shelf. I pick it off the shelf and throw it Wesley and shortly after I throw a small Barbie brush that I used when I was kid to brush my Barbie’s beautiful blonde hair. Is it natural to be jealous of a Barbie? Even though they are completely fake.  I don’t want to be fake but why do they have to be perfect?  Nobody is perfect but try telling that to Angel. That’s a fight you don’t want to be in.

                 He uses his fast reflexes to catch the stuff animal but the brush ends up snacking him right in the head.

“psshh, pleeasseee, Now do your job, Brush Mrs. Flatter balls” I shoo him off.

“Whoever came up with that name, I pity them” He brushes the crazy brown hair pony and roams around my room. He takes in every detail, my blue walls, my ocean pictures of the waves, beaches and you get the picture. He rests his eyes on the surf board leaning against the wall. He touches the perfectly curved side of the board, running his fingers across of it, feeling the smoothness.

“You surf?”

Heck yes I do! “Yeah” I reply nervously. I love surfing. Its only one of the things that allows me to be myself, I can enjoy every minute of it without getting embarrassed or shy. It’s like my escape out of life for a couple of hours.

“That’s pretty cool” He says nonchalant “Chloe, can I ask you something?” I look up to, our eyes meet, I can see he seriousness in them. “Why did you lie?”

Gulp. I knew I would eventually have this conversation but not this soon.

“You met Angel right?” and see how perfect she is. Ugh, I don’t know if I should trust him with a heart to heart conversation, maybe not just yet.

“You should go talk to her and get to know her” I move him along and straight out of my room trying to avoid him bringing back up the topic.  Once he is out of the room, I want to do a victory dance but he stills stands in front of me.  


I get goose bumps from him simply saying my name.

“Yes, Wesley?”

“Whenever you need a ride, all you have to do is come over and I wouldn’t mind driving you” After that he disappears down the hall.

Dang, why does he have to be so cute! Ugh, hormones.

I flop on top of my bed and snuggle with the pony he was recently brushing, I smile at the memory.

Wait, back the truck up. How does he know I would need a ride possibly? Oh that blabber mouth Keaton. Thanks a lot.

I return snuggling with the pony and breathe in his scent he left. I look at my alarm clock.


I still got time to kill. I throw over a black oversized T-shirt with my name on the back in blue letters and switch out my pink shorts for dark blue jean shorts that have small rips in the front. I finish tying my laces from my black Vans that I’m wearing. Now I’m set. I pull my skate board from under my messy bed. Dang, it’s a mini jungle under here; Tarzan could possibly be living down here this very second and I need to remind myself to clean under my bed soon. Once I have a hold of my skate board, I dash out of my house and begin skate boarding to another place where I can let me be me.


Sorry guys i took awhile to update ive been dealing with freaking drama. >~<

Sowwi this chapter was suckie but it should be getting bettteerr!!

Thanks for reading ^.^


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