Falling chapter twenty

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It had been two days since Sherlock gave me a little kitten. TWO WEEKS, and I wanted to kill it. It started off with the usual things. Black hairs all over my clothes. Irritating, but I kept my cool. When I tried to feed him, he wouldn't eat his food. He is currently surviving off of treats. But that's not the worst of it, no. The breaking point was when I found my favorite t-shirt "mysteriously" shredded. This cat has a vendetta against me. Don't get me wrong, I LOVED him. But he obviously didn't love me. He did take quite a liking towards John, though. You'd find John sitting back in his chair, petting the little black kitty. You know how some people have therapy dogs? Well, I think this was John's therapy cat. We still didn't know what to call him. We mostly just said "kitty" or "baby". It was quite cute, him and John. It was obvious John was lonely, though he had a new girlfriend every two weeks. I was laying on me and Sherlocks bed. I was on the computer, bored out of my mind. What do 27 year old women do on the computer in their free time? maybe I should start a cooking blog. I went on YouTube, and typed "bored" into the search bar. A few funny videos, but nothing more. I clicked on a video that said "Omegle Trolling!!!" and watched a few seconds. It seemed as though it was some sort of video chatting website. I'm not sure what "trolling" is, but I think it's messing with people. I've heard people say it before, and always wanted to punch them in the face because I knew it was a stupid meme. I was home alone and bored. I went on omegle to check it out. I let my hair down, and clicked "video". "Hi!" I waved. It was a man around sixty years old. He waved back. "How are you?" I tilted the camera upwards. He frowned. "What?" I asked. He winked at me. I was starting to feel uncomfortable. I clicked "next" the screen was black. I checked my phone for a few second. I looked up, and screamed. There was a penis right on the camera. I covered my eyes. And shut the computer. Boy, was I never doing that again. I cleared my history after exiting out. I braided my hair to the side, and came out of the room. The doorknob rattled, and the door swung open. Sherlock swaggered into the room. "I'm guessing everything went well?" I turned to face him. "Oh it went more than well," he grabbed my face, and gave me a smooch on the lips. "It was excellent!" John awkwardly hobbled in. "So," h looked up at him. "Give me the details!" I wiggled my shoulders. "Tell you what," he bent his knees down to my height, and grabbed my hands. "Ill make us all some tea, and ill let John start it off." He kissed my forehead, and turned on his heel. He took off his coat, and tossed it on the kitchen table, striding to the back of the pantry. I sat down in a chair facing John. We smiled at each other. "Soo," I sat up. "Tell me all about it!" John launched into a story about how a bunch of people told Sherlock their problems. One little girl came in and told them that Bluebell, her rabbit had gone missing. Sherlock, of course, could care less about a missing pet. Then, a man came in. He talked of childhood night terrors. It was about him and his dad. They'd go to Baskerville and search the woods. He said that his father was killed by a gigantic dog. "Sherlock just HAD to investigate!" John laughed. Sherlock each handed us our teas, and we drank. John continued the story saying that when they went to investigate, Sherlock posed as his brother Mycroft! We all laughed when he told the story of them being locked down with guns pressed to their temples, and Mycroft had to give him access. After about an hour of storytelling, John wrapped it up by saying "So basically, it was a gas released in the woods causing hallucinations!" I took the cups into the kitchen, and set them in the sink. "Kitty!" I cried. He was clawing at the leg of the kitchen table. I picked him up. "What are we going to do with you, you little demon!" he turned his head to the side. "I got it!" I cried. "We'll name him 'Lucifer'!"

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