"Ha.A message ?On the road you say?"

"Yeah yeah,calm down J.I took care of it."

"No.You don't have to kill anyone."

"Please!Please,she won't try anything."

"I know ,I know.I promise."


"They're tracing his call?"

"F.ck F.ck."

"Yeah I killed him."

"What are you talking about!??I had to do this!This is your damn plan."

The talking went on and on.They were arguing.It got confusing at one point.Real confusing.He felt sorry then he got mad then happy.Like wtf.

"Yeah sure i'll get rid out it."

"Just hurry up dammit!"

Call ended.

Who was he talking to?Is that person going to help him?Am I being sold??I don't know what's happening,but i'm scared.He knows I broke off the taillights.He knows I told someone.Now i'm dead.Dead just like that innocent man.

The trunk suddenly opened.The sunlight rained on me and caused it hard for me to see.I know it was him.It's always him.

"You b.tch!"He yanked me out.The fact that we were close by the woods,gave me an awful feeling.He dragged me onto  the hot road.Not a car passing.No sign of civilization.Great.

"You think im stupid!?You think I wouldn't find out?"He twisted my shirt with his fist and held me against his car.He was all in my face.So close that his hot breath tickled my face.

I didn't answer.Yet I just started into his deep blue orbs.

My mind just wondered off to his past life.Was he always like this?Did he had a rough childhood?It could be anything,but that still doesn't give him the benefits of kidnapping innocent girls and killing people.I'm going to die,aren't I?

"Im talking to you!"He said snapping me out of my thoughts.I tried ignoring him.Until he spoke some stupid foolish things.

"Why can't you just love me?"Love you?Who does he think he is?I would never love someone like him.I love Chris.And Chris only.Yeah Juan is nice but he's not my type.Like it's odd how he says he came back for me.It's been more than 7 years.

"I would never love someone like you!"I pushed him off of me .

"I will make you love me though."He mumbled to himself,but I heard everything.We'll see about that.

"No !What the heck is wrong with you Kevin??You can't force someone to love you!That's not how it works.And this isn't love!It's a crime to kidnap!!"I screamed  in his face.Tears were now streaming down my cheeks.He glared at me.

His fist came flying towards my face ,but I dodge it,which causing the passenger seat window to shatter into tiny pieces.He pulled back his hand and held it tight.Shards of glass were literally poking out of his knuckles.Gross.

I took this chance and made a run for it.My options were to run straight ahead or cut through the woods.I choosed the woods.

I ran like my life depended on it.Which it did .

"Get back here Crystal!"He screamed after me.I kept running.He was getting closer.

"I wanna go home."I whispered to myself.

"I am your home baby!"He chuckled.His voice was very annoying.The fact that he heard me is so str-

"OUch."I semi yelled.I accidentally fell over a stupid tree stump.I can't move my legs!They feel dead.

"Crystal!Where are you?!"He was getting closer.I took a quick glance of my surroundings.It was pretty much filled with rocks and trees.But my foot,holy sh.t!The bone was poking out.It looked disgusting.I swallowed back my vomit.

I tried crawling over towards a tree so I could pull myself up,but I felt a painful tug towards my right ankle.I screamed in agony.Tears begging to spill.

"Got you now ba-"It was him.He had my foot in his hand.But something changed.His pupil became dilated.It was very odd.I never saw someone's pupil change like that before, like he's not even in front of a light."Oh my gosh.Are you okay let me help you up."Something in his voice changed.Like earlier it was nasty and cold,but now it's calm and filled with concern.But I still don't trust nor like him .He's crazy.

"Please just don't touch me."I tried to raise my self up but my body was all painful from my stomach go down.He still moved closer.

"Leave me alone!"I screamed in tears.

"No darling,I have to help you .Your not stable."He said calmly.Clearly he was getting annoyed.

"Then take me to a damn hospital!"I don't know why im still screaming,but it feels so good you know ?

"Are you crazy.No.Hell no.Im going to pick you up."He said kneeling down.Put I had to ask.

"What did you do with him?"I asked.Scared of what he may say.

"Burned him."He said so bluntly like he didn't even care.

"Burned?"I took a big gulp.

"Yes ,along with his car."He tried grabbing me but I pulled away."Stop being so f.cking -"

"Hey!"A unfamiliar voice called out.Both me and Kevin looked ahead,only to find a man with a shotgun.


Hey my fellow readers.Hoped you enjoyed this chapter ☺☺..

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