Nischit .1.

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I tied up the files which contained the book cover requests.

It was already ten past seven in the evening, by my watch. Getting up from my seat, I headed out.

I usually worked from home but a certain Kinjal Kumar from Dream Publishers called me up, asking me to meet up and discuss my upcoming project. I had to comply and come up to the office I worked for. And I was glad I did.

I was actually looking forward to work with them.

I looked to my side before leaving. My best designed book cover was posted on wall. It was something even I would stop to admire for a while.

It made my chest swell with pride. At last there was something I was really proud of.

Running my fingers through my hair earned a wink from a female colleague of mine. I shrugged at that.

Not really interested.

I then walked out to 'Ristorante Italiano' which reads in English as Italian restaurant. It recently got opened. I decided to try it as I love to try new things!

I soon reached there; the doorman asked me whether I am the only one entering. I frowned and nodded.

"Sir, all tables are reserved only for couples not for singles like you."

I was bewildered as to what he said.

"Excuse me? How dare you! Why will I not get a table for one? Is it a crime to be single?" I inquired him angrily.

"Please sir, we have reservations only for couples and families!" When I was about to shout at him, a man in the attire of a waiter came up to the doorman and said it was a pointless argument.

The doorman let me in. I thanked the waiter and took a seat at an empty table. I watched the guy as he was going back.

Oh, how defined his back is!

Great! I was checking him out! No way!

I coaxed myself to look at the menu in front of me. Deciding on Linguine with marinara sauce and a cup of cappuccino coffee, I called the waiter - the same one who had helped me to get in.

I started rambling all my orders. I finally looked up to ask him to repeat my orders. Instead, I found him standing there still, with his mouth hanging down and eyes widened.

"Is there anything wrong now?" I asked him nonchalantly.

"Did you just call me a waiter?" He pointed accusingly at me.

"Yes, I did!" Why was he even asking that?  "You work here. What is the big deal?"

"Crap!" I cringed mentally as he said that. "Do you even know who I am?"

"Of course not. Do you expect me to know a stranger's name? If you wanted to be known, you could've put your name tag on."

He got so furious that I could feel all his anger pouring out. A girl appeared out of blue and dragged him away before he could snap at me.

I sighed in relief. Weird restaurant with weirder waiters.

I called another one, this time making sure that he worked here.

It was definitely not my fault that people would go around in a waiter's dress.

Soon my food came and as I was eating, I looked at the the 'non-waiter' guy. He was rambling about something with the girl (or I assume his girlfriend) while she gave him a teasing grin.

I laughed silently at the fact he wore same dress as the waiter; a button down white shirt with black blazer. With this I saw copper brown eyes and his silky auburn hair combed sideways, he looked good.

I shook my head to shoo away those strange thoughts creeping into my head. Except that, dinner was quite uneventful.

As soon as I got back home, I crashed the bed. Even with my eyes closed, the copper brown eyes appeared in front me. The furious fire wasn't lit up there, like it had been today evening. Instead, there was a strange soothing effect that lulled me to sleep.

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