Sunsets and Car Washes

Start from the beginning

I guess you could call us best friends but truth is I hadn’t thought of Blake Harrison as a friend for three years now. I loved him. Somewhere along the way I had fallen in love with him and I couldn’t go back. Believe me I had tried, I’d had five boyfriends in the last three years but the truth is not one of them was Blake. Not one of them could make me laugh as hard as he could nor could I trust them like I could trust Blake. Maybe that was the problem, maybe I was looking for another Blake and I wasn’t going to find one and since the real Blake wasn’t interested on me in a romantic way I just had to stand by and watch the streaming line of girls go by.

I popped a Skittle on my mouth as Ashton Kutcher told Natalie Portman all kinds of sweet needy stuff and wished Blake would tell me that someday. So when my phone rang in the best part ever—the one where he’s telling her that if she comes any closer he won’t let her go—I groan and curse whoever is interrupting this sacred moment.

“Hello?” I snapped.

“Hey there Oli,” Blake greeted cheerfully.

“What’s up?”

“Meet me outside,” it’s all he said before disconnecting. I’m so not up for a fake break up or a blind double date right now.

I groaned again, press stop and turn off the TV, walking to my room to change out of my movie outfit and dressing into something more decent and meet Blake outside.

He’s waiting there leaning on the blue truck he’s had since we went out of college two years ago. “Looking good Oli.”

“Thanks,” I murmured, blushing. I’m not used to Blake saying I look good just because. “Where and why are you taking me?”

He chuckled, dethatching himself from the truck and walking around it, to open my door.

I sighed. “Cut to the chase Blake, for my sake.”

“We’re just going for a drive Liv, relax,” he is now kind of irritated at me, he never calls me Liv unless he is.

“Fine, but if you as much as try to embark me into some club to help you score a girl I will kill you Harrison.”

He laughed. “That’s why I love you Oli, you’re just direct, no rodeos.”

I blushed, even if I knew he wasn’t saying he loved me in the full sense of the world, but that he loved me as a friend. “Now, you’ve just fulfilled my lifelong dream. I can now die happy.”

“Do not appreciate the sarcasm Liv, it’s not appreciated,” Blake told me, clicking his tongue. “Did I interrupt you or something?”

“Yes, I was watching No Strings Attached and you interrupted gorgeous Ashton Kutcher so I’m pissed,” I confessed.

“You girls are so emotional about your movies. Now get in the car and prepare for the time of your life Olivia Williams.”

“Lake Austin?” I asked him once I was faced with the large body of water and a stunning sunset. “Isn’t this your ultimate romantic spot?”

“Yes,” he nodded and slid out of the car, walking around the truck and opened the door for me. “Now hop out and let’s enjoy the sunset.”

I did as he said and smiled at the setting sun. I was a sucker for a pretty sunset. “It’s lovely.”

“Indeed it is,” he agreed.

I looked up to him and smiled. The colors reflected in his face giving his natural tan complexion a lovely color. “Why are we here?”

He turned to look at me and smiled too, his dimples breaking through. “What, can’t I bring the girl that has stuck with me through everything to a pretty place?”

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