Chapter 9 - Will you marry me Dark Storm?

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Dark Storm was sitting near Gentle as she was holding her newest grandpup. She had recently delivered the little girl and Dark was pleased Gentle was letting her help. That threat Hands had made so many years ago had forced her to really stop and think about what was important to her. The more she thought about it the more she realized Gentle was important to her. Their relationship was still a work in progress but it was getting better, "You have a lovely little girl. All of your pups are so lovely even if they are almost as stubborn as Ray's and Flitter's." Dark had to grin when she said that.

She had watched Linc drive people nuts with his feats of escape. Butterfly wasn't as active but goodness she could be stubborn when she wanted to. Dark had to wonder if Flitter had been like that as a child. Ray was fairly mellow as were his siblings. Even Hands was fairly mellow until worked up. She knew that from personal experience.

Gentle snorted at her, "Dame I am convinced that all of Ray's pups are stubborn horrible little stinkers. Almost all the pups are bull headed and independent. There are a few who aren't but most are as active as Linc and Butterfly." Gentle figured it was because Ray refused to let them, especially the boys, be constrained. She looked over at their newest pup and lightly stroked her cheek, "They are all lovely as well. We used to joke about Ray making the rest of the Folicia jealous because of all the pretty babies." At the moment she and her mother were sitting on a sofa looking out one of the windows. It was storming outside so it was dark out even though it wasn't that late. Other than the street lights and lights from other houses the only other illumination was the lightening. So they could enjoy the view the lights had been turned down.

"Dame, what can you tell me about my Sire?" She had been wanting to know for so very long. It had taken Gentle a long time to gather the courage to ask. Zantha had helped and they had talked about it a number of times. Gentle really wanted to know what her father had been like. She needed to know and now that her and her mother were healing their relationship it was time to ask.

Dark Storm stiffened slightly since it was a painful memory for her. She had really liked the man and he had been very good looking. When he had moved on from her and hadn't had anything else to do with her it had hurt badly. She tried asking him once but he refused to talk to her. She called an image of him up and sent it to Gentle. Saul had been a tall man, as tall as Gentle was. He kept his head bald though he had a goatee. His skin was a rich chocolate brown and he had dark piercing eyes. He resembled Gentle by being well muscled also.

"Saul was a striking human. The first time I saw him he caught my attention and how I hoped he might take an interest in me." Dark Storm looked out the window as her mind went back to that cruise. She hadn't wanted to go but she had been selected by her pack. At that point they had just discovered humans and being fertile with them. They hoped that she would come back pregnant with a boy pup. It was considered a great honor back then since it gave everyone hope. Though she didn't realize it there was a trace of a smile on her face as she thought about him.

Gentle received the image and he was a very attractive man. She knew humans came in other colors than the whitish pink. Other than Gloria that was their color. They were what they called Causcsian. Even though Rafique was darker in coloration he was still Caucasian. Looking at the image she could see a resemblance to the man. As she was looking at the image Gentle was listening to her mother talk about the man. She wanted to push for more information but for this she was going to do her best to be patient.

"He was smart, witty, and smooth. Almost from the day he was brought aboard the ship he had half the crew lusting after him. He could talk to a female for even a short time and have her wrapped around his fingers. When he left the crew was not happy. They wanted to keep him and bring him back to Folicia." She had to admit she had wanted to bring him back as well even after getting the cold shoulder, "As I am sure you can figure out he did take me to bed. By the Goddess he was a hell of a lover. He knew what he was doing and he was damn good." If she hadn't had the black skin similar to Gentles she would have blushed.

The Terran Enclave - Klithian Chronicle 1 #Wattys 2016Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang