Horror after horror

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A soft knock on the door woke Scillia up from her slumber dream the next morning,

"Who's there?" Scillia asked as she sat up straight,

"It's me, Joffrey" the voice replied, surprising Scillia even further, "may I come in?" Joffrey asked again, stammering, Scillia quickly sprung out of the bed and draped a white lace robe around her,

"Of course your Grace, please do come in" Scillia stuttered, clutching the robe around her tightly as Joffrey slowly came inside, his eyes were immediately glued to the beautiful-carved figure standing in front of him, not realizing that he had been staring at her far too long for Scillia's liking, "your Grace, you're making me uncomfortable with your stare." Scillia admitted, regretting of not holding her tongue in.

"Forgive me my Lady, I needed to see you right away to inform you of a good news!" Joffrey smirked, stretching his hand out for Scillia to take, "where's the fun in telling you right away when you must enjoy watching it right away, come." Joffrey gently persuaded Scillia in taking his hand when she seemed reluctant. As Joffrey guided Scillia through the corridors accompanied with stone pillars by the side,

"Where are you taking me your Grace?" Scillia croaked out but before Joffrey could answer her, a sudden voice screeching out in pain caused Scillia to jerk towards the source of the voice.

"The fun's about to begin soon, you'll thank me for this!" Joffrey still had his infamous smirk on his face when what Scillia had smelled of rotten stench turned out to be a chamber, filled with miscellaneous devices. In front of her was a big-sized guard whipping a bloodied man chained to a device with a barbed wire. Scillia immediately gasped and tried turning away when Joffrey held onto the side of her arms, "look at him my sweet Lady, look at the man who wishes to have you as his one and only true love of his life!" Joffrey whispered into her ear,

"your Grace, what is this? What are you doing to poor Elric?" Scillia tried her best not to shed a tear, looking at her dumbfoundedly,

"Well? I'm punishing the man who meant you harm Scillia! He deserves nothing but a punishment!" Joffrey nonchalantly shrugged off this matter before snapping his fingers at the big-sized guard, gesturing him closer to him,

"Hit him!" Joffrey demanded, causing Scillia's eye to widen with fear,

"your Grace?" Scillia couldn't believe what she was hearing,

"Take this and hit him hard!" Joffrey's voice slowly turned to a growl, fearing of what Joffrey might do to them both, Scillia shakingly took the whip from Joffrey before staggering closer to the bloodied man,

"Elric?" Scillia called out, she was visibly shaken,

"What are you waiting for? Finish him off!" Joffrey ordered as he took his seat on a wooden chair, Scillia shed a tear as she held the whip tightly,

"I'm so sorry Elric!" Scillia apologized before raising her hand and bringing it down with the whip slashing another piece of Elric's skin off his chest. She continued hitting Elric with Joffrey ordering her to hit him harder after every whip before he eventually got behind Scillia, grabbing her hands to forcefully hit Elric. Joffrey only stopped hitting Elric when he began coughing out blood,

"This is how you hit a criminal in King's landing my Lady!" Joffrey chuckled next to Scillia's ear, for a second, she couldn't do much but to stay frozen but when she felt Joffrey's hand off her wrist, her only thought was to sprint out of that horrifying chamber before Joffrey slammed her back against the device Elric was chained to. "Don't look at me like I'm a monster my Lady, I'm doing all this for you! Do you understand?" Joffrey caressed Scillia's soft cheek with his another hand gripping onto her waist, "do you understand my intention my sweet Lady?" Joffrey leaned closer to her for an answer, without thinking much, Scillia nodded her head vigorously.

"Ye...ye..yes your Grace, I do understand your intention!" Scillia answered,

"Good! You may leave now, I'll have one of my men escort you back to your chamber" Joffrey tapped her chin playfully,

"That won't be necessary your Grace, thank you my Grace!" Scillia yelped, curtsying before him before sprinting out from the chamber and along the corridors, tears after tears rolled down her cheeks, even when her white lace robe cascaded down her bare shoulder and to the floor, she kept running before bumping into a figure. "I'm so sorry, please forgive me!" Scillia curtsied as low as she can,

"Lady Scillia? What happened to you? Are you alright?" a young man helped her up, looking up at him, she pulled herself away from the man softly,

"My Prince" Scillia curtsied again before trying to cover her exposed skin before Tommen,

"Are you alright? Please allow me to see you back to your chamber" Tommen cracked a faint smile before embracing Scillia around his arm warmly. While Scillia's lady in waiting quickly wore a dress for her, Luella was entering the chamber with a bowl of warm congee. "Give it to me, the rest of you head out first!" Tommen gently took the tray of bowl away before Luella curtsied and left with Militsa and Jeanne. Tommen slowly made his way and sat a few inches away from Scillia. "My Lady, have some congee, they'll help calm you down" Tommen scooped up a spoon full of the white congee before feeding Scillia, giving him the opportunity to scoot closer to her.

"Thank you my Prince" Scillia finally cracked a smile after a long day,

"Your welcome Lady Scillia, are you feeling better now? What happened to you earlier?" Tommen braved himself to ask her about earlier's incident, without realizing and wanting to, Scillia began breaking down in tears, Tommen gently hugged her, tilting her head on his shoulder as he hushed her, "it's ok now, you can tell me Scillia, I won't tell anyone!" Tommen comforted her,

"My Prince, your brother, his Grace..." Scillia croaked before crying back onto Tommen's shoulder, not knowing what his brother had done, he knew for sure his brother had traumatized Scillia deeply. Tommen could only rub Scillia's back warmly, hoping of calming her down.

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