Chapter 11: All Downhill From Here

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I could've sworn that was Adyson back there. And Johnny, too.

The tacky clothes threw me off but Adyson was not one to lie. And just looking at her cold eyes brought me to shivers.

"Hey, Izzy! Want to come over? Mom's making tacos!" Phineas asked.
"Your mom's tacos? Always!" I smiled and skipped over to him.

We walked to his car, even though I knew it was Ferb's, and got in.

We laughed when he turned on the radio and the Ducky Momo theme song  came on.

Ducky mo, ducky momo

Ducky mo, ducky momo

Ducky mo, ducky momo

He's your very friend

Whos the happy time toy-toy

For every girl and boy-boy

Who's the fuzzy enjoyment

Make fun with Ducky momo

Ducky mo, ducky momo

He's your very best friend!

Phineas and I were almost dying of laughter, even long after than ended and then "King for a Day" came on.

"Ducky Mo! Ducky Momo!" Phineas sang.
"He's your very best friend!" I sang back.


We turned towards the voice and saw a very agitated Ferb in the driveway. Phineas gulped and I giggled softly figuring he didn't ask permission.

Ferb held out his hand and Phineas laid the keys into his palm. Ferb pushed us out and then rushed out of the driveway.

"Uh...ok so I didn't ask..." Phineas mumbled, blushing.
I laughed and ruffled his hair. "Come on! Last one inside is a rotten ducky momo!"

I pushed past him and raced into the house, beating him by a few seconds.

"Izzy! Not fair!" Phineas exclaimed, taking a seat next to me.
"Whatever, I won." I giggled.

"Hello, Isabella! It's nice to see you!" Mrs. Linda said.

She always wanted me to just call her Linda but it seemed impolite without a title.

"Hey, Mrs. Linda! Phineas said you're making tacos!" I said.
"Of course. Nothing but the best for my sons' best friend." She smiled.

I beamed, not even caring that I was getting friendzoned by my crush's mom. I really loved her tacos. Almost like my mamá's.

"Oh, yes. Phineas, no driving for a week." She told her son.
"But mom!" He said.
"No buts, mister! Left us worried sick! And Ferb's girlfriend has been waiting for an hour for him to come pick her up." She stopped him.
"Nessa's coming over?" He asked.
"Vanessa?" I asked. I liked her.
"Yes. Now do you want to wait for them or eat now?" She asked us.

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