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Gasping for air and frantically flailing his arms around in the deep blue the boy doesn't stop fighting to keep his head over water as wave after wave crashes down on top of him. He wants to change the decision he made. He's not ready for this. Like a mantra he keeps telling himself that someone will save him as he's not ready to die.

His lungs continue to fill up with water feeling a burning sensation deep inside, coughing and spluttering trying to scream for help but nobody can hear him. The last wave hits him hard as it forces him under water swallowing him whole.
His body moving harshly against the current as the aftermath of the waves crashing down on him leads his body to collide with the coral rocks from the reef below. He stops struggling the fight to breathe oxygen as a sharp pain shoots through his head making his body go completely limp. A numb sensation goes through his body as he watches strands and swirls of crimson fill his view. As he squints his eyes from the harshness of the sea water he sees a small speck approaching him catching his eye. As it gets closer and closer he can make out a silhouette of a person swimming towards him. He can't decipher if it's a boy or a girl, but what captivates him is the tail behind the person sparkling hues of pretty blues and glistening in the water from the sun rays.

Seeing the silhouette finally approach him Yoongi reaches out for the other persons help. The boy or girl cautiously approaches Yoongi, carefully placing it's chubby hands on his face cupping his cheeks gently. A face of a young male is what Yoongi finally sees; he see's the young boy's plumped lips moving without any sound escaping, worry and fear sketched onto his face making wrinkles appear on his forehead, the boy's flushed chubby cheeks and dark brown orbs staring into his soul.

He feels the hands leave his face then feel something tightly clasp onto his as he feels himself gravitate towards the surface of the water. Yoongi begins to blink rapidly to make sure he is not seeing things, that the boy in front of his eyes is real and that someone is saving him. He feels the other boy's hand tightly squeeze his as the brightness above sea level engulfs his vision before he slowly gives into darkness.


The young boy struggles when pulling the human onto shore. If his father ever hears or finds out about this he surely will be turned into fish food or even worse shark bait!

He carefully tugs the other male along the sand until he reaches a far distance away from the sea. He lays the other male on a pile of dried seaweed, noticing blood seeping through the human's light grey locks as his hand brushes lightly over the would to examine it. Jimin places his dominant hand over the top of the wound. A white soft glow casts out from the palm of his hand, he pouts as he sees that after he healed the male's injury it has left a deep tissue scar creating a flaw onto this beautiful humans forehead. Still in a crouching position Jimin hovers a hand over Yoongi's chest. He watches intensely as he waits to see the rise and fall of the older's chest. Lost in his train of though he's snaps out of it when he hears soft purring noises coming from the humans mouth.

Jimin without a second thought reaches out and cups the human's pale cheeks again slowly rubbing his thumb across Yoongi's soft skin, he knows this is wrong and against his father's rule bestowed upon the kingdom, but he needs to know and he feels that this is right that love at first sight truly exists. He slowly leans down planting a soft but firm kiss on Yoongi's lips.

Lingering his action for a moment feeling a spark ignite in his heart he pulls away quickly realising he just stole a kiss. Teats start brimming around his eyes wishing he could stay longer on land, so he could fall in love and prove to his father that love exists and that it's not a myth. He can feel it in his being. After a few minutes conflicting with the voices in his head to stay before getting up he places the necklace his human mother gave him around his neck and places it in Yoongi's palm.

Finally forcing himself to stand and walking away slowly from the other he reaches the shore line. Feeling the sensation of sand squishing between his toes and the smell of sea mist and something else filling his nostrils he let's out a long exaggerated sigh as he gazes out into the shimmering water knowing that doom awaits him.

Gaining the courage to step into the water Jimin looks back to the male one last time before running into the ocean and diving in.


Little did the younger know the human he just saved woke up. Yoongi slowly sat up on his elbows for support the seaweed below him crunching from his every move, scrunching his nose up from the smell of the sea and salt in the air, as his eyes readjust from the sun and land on the retreating back of the younger male. Yoongi blushes as he realises the man in front of him is naked in all his glory. He watched as the boy stood their looking towards the ocean sighing before finally running and diving into the water seeing the younger changing into his true form exposing his beautiful aquamarine tail. Yoongi froze as a cloud of thoughts invaded his mind and gears started turning, the only words he could form were a whisper as a tear rolled down his cheek as he looks down at the necklace and clutching it and whispering a " thank you for saving me."

Song - Drown by Bring Me the Horizon Acoustic Ver. )

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