Baby Bird AU Frisk and You From Fusiontale CROSSOVER!

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Frisk: Hahaha!

You: Just because you have bigger wings, doesn't mean anything!

Frisk: You were the one that called the contest!

You: Hmph.

You: Alright then, are you ready for another challenge?

Frisk: Your just a sour loser!

You: No, I'm not!

Frisk: Ha ha... Alright, what is it?

You: Let's see who can fly the furthest!

Frisk: Your on!

A Fusiontale and Baby Bird AU crossover! They had a contest to see who's wings are bigger. YOU GUYS SHOULD TOTALLY CHECK OUT THE BABY BIRD AU!!! IT'S AWESOME!!!

And... I know they have broken wings... I'm sorry.

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