He must of saw me as he let out a chuckle follwed by a smirk. "What?" I sheepishly asked.

"Nothing" his smirk was still plastered on his face. We both looked away, staring directly at the empty halls.

"So..." I started, without even realizing. Connor turned his head to me, and I felt his gaze all over. "How were the away games?"

"Pretty good thanks" he sighed. "I got 7 points in 5 games, so, it was good I guess". He blew it off like it was nothing.

"Pretty good? Thats really good" I smiled. He laughed again, rubbing his hand over his cleanly shaved face. "thanks".


Connor and I both whipped our heads to left, only to meet the gaze of none other than Dylan Strome, who was ocumpied by Liv.

I looked at Liv embarrassedly, who had her arms crossed and rolled her eyes. Dylan was now standing next to Connor, playfully punching him.

"Don't you two have a game to get ready for?" Liv asked.

"Yes Liv, yes we do" Dylan chimed back. We all laughed at their never ending commentary. I stood up from the bench and my eyes met the sight of  Connor and Liv, who were now hugging, something that normally happened before the guys games. I turned around looking for Dylan, who was right behind me.

"Goodluck" I wished into his neck as we hugged. He patted me on the back before letting go to now hug Liv. Before I even realized it, Connors arms were open infornt of me, and without hesitation I accepted the hug.

His larage arms wrapped around my back, squeezing tight. He was extremely warm and smelt good as hell. I wished him the same as I did for Dylan, and as he let go and I turned away, I felt a squeeze on my ass.

I whipped my head around to see Connor giving me the most attractive smirk ever. My mouth hung open as I chuckled at his gesture. He bent down to pick up his bag and sticks. "See you girls later" he called, leaving me in a little bit of shock. 'What a guy' was all I could think. I was suprised that he actually did that, but I didn't mind at all.

The rink was freezing, as per usual. Liv and I took our normal seats, located pretty high up. My eyes follwed the zamboni along the ice as I patiently waited for the guys to enter and began the game.

"You know Connor really likes you" Liv said, popping popcorn into her mouth.

I looked at her blankly. She had a look on her face, as if she had been wanting to say that forever.

"What!? No." I looked away from her, knowing that if I didn't she would see my blushing.

"Oh come on Holly" she set the popcorn down and brushed off her pants. "He does and the feeling is mutual".

Before I could respond let alone think, the conversation ended as Kiana and some others made there way over to us, greeting us and sitting in their usual seats as well.

I tried not to think of Liv's statement. After all, it was most likely a lie. Even though I liked Connor, I knew he probably didn't feel the same way.

I was drawn out of my thoughts as the familiar music played and the lights dimmed, signialing the boys entrance and the start of the game.

It was a big game for the guys. They were on a 11 game winning streak, a franchise record, and tonight they could continue it, making it 12.

The were playing the Ottawa 67's, and it was a pretty quiet game until the third period, where Ottawa scored two goals.

I glanced at the clock, the final minutes were flying by, and just like that, the Otters scored a goal.

The place went crazy, people jumped from their seats cheering and chanting along to the otters goal song. That got the crowd going and gave them some hope. There was 4:03 left on the clock, plenty of time I thought.

Before we could all recollect ourselves, the goal song filled the arena once again. It was even louder than the first time.

The otters scored two goals in 13 seconds to tie the game up. I looked over at all my friends, who were smiling ear to ear just like me. Next was overtime.

The familiar game - time, especially overtime, jitters took over. I knew that Connor and Dylan hated to lose, and nothing would suck more than ending a winning steak with an overtime loss.

The guys fled back out to the freshly clean ice and took their positions. My eyes scanned the ice, no Dylan or Connor out there to start. Live grabbed my hand and wrapped it in hers, squeezing it tight enough that I could feel her shaking.

"Let's go boys!" She yelled, follwed by a whistle, indicating sudden death was now upon us.

The next few minutes were back forth between Erie and Ottawa. They both had great chances but the goalies were on fire.

"Last minute in overtime" the announcers voice roared.

My legs were shaking uncontrollably, a bad habit of mine. Liv's hand was still wrapped tightly in mine as she cussed endlessly under her breath.

I looked at the Otters bench, trying to find Connor. My attanetion was brought back to the play as the arena began to get loud, people standing from their seats to get a better look at what was happening.

It was Connor and Dylan on a breakaway.

With just 27 seconds left, the dynamic duo zipped down centre ice and into Ottawa territory. They were racing, trying not to lose control of the puck along the way. Dylan had it, and as the whole arena shouted "SHOOT", he passed it to Connor.

To nobody's suprise, the one and only Connor McDavid scored. Everybody repeated the annual goal celebrations, but this, this was special.

The boys have now won 12 consecutive games. An Erie Otters franchise record.

I looked at the guys celebrating on the ice. They were all formed into their little circle, jumping up and down and congratulating Connor and Dylan.

We all gathered our stuff and happily began to head towards the exist. We were headed to our friends Ross's house for a victory celebration, and boy, was it going to be a good one.

Long Ago // Connor McDavidWhere stories live. Discover now