i || i hear you // peddie (part 1)

Start from the beginning

"Please, please, please tell me you said the word yacked," Patricia pleaded.

"No, packed," The Woman told her, confused.

"I can't take this," Patricia said, looking down at her feet and shaking her head.

"Trix are you okay?" Piper asked.

"Uh-hu," Patricia nodded, not making eye contact.

"Okay... Do you want something to eat or drink," Piper asked.

"No," Patricia shook her head, "I'm fine."


Patricia sat there, bored, as Piper read a book about pianos.

Patricia then decided to listen to some music, so reached into the over head compartment, and pulled out her headphone and phone. She then plug the headphones into her phone and played her favourite song, 'All the Same' by Sick Puppies.

I don't mind where you come from
As long as you come to me
But I don't like illusions I can't see
Them clearly
I don't care, no I wouldn't dare
To fix the twist in you
You've shown me eventually what you'll do
I don't mind
I don't care
As long as your here.

Go ahead and tell me you'll leave again
You'll just come yack runni-

Patricia harshly shoved her headphones off her head as soon as she heard the word 'Yack' instead of 'Back'

"Patricia are you okay," Piper panicked.

"No," Patricia shook her head, "I think I'm going crazy."

"You already are crazy," Piper joked.

"Seriously Piper!" Patricia snapped.

"Fine, sorry," Piper apologised, "So... What is going on then?"

"I'm hearing words differently," Patricia briefly explained.

"That probably just means you are going deaf, not crazy," Piper laughed.

"Ugh," Patricia grunted, "I'm not going to tell you if you keep on joking about it!"

"I'm sorry," Piper apologised.

"Apologise all you want, I don't want to hear it," Patricia snapped, before putting hear headphone back on, but this time not listening to a song, instead just listening to waves crashing and things so that no word could be mistaken for Yacker.


"Please fasten your seatbelt," Spoke the voice on the plane.

Patricia and Piper along with everyone else on the plane, fastened their seatbelt, as the plane began to land.


"Right..." Piper started, "The cab will be here in 5 minutes to take us to the hotel."

"Okay," Patricia nodded.


Patricia and piper both climbed out of the cab as it parked outside the hotel they were staying at.

"Thank you," Piper thanked, as she paid and walked up to the hotel with Patricia.

"Hi," Piper smiled, as she walked into the reception.

"Hello," the receptionist said politely, "Have you booked?"

"Yes," Piper smiled.

"What is the surname?" She asked.

"Williamson," Piper told her.

"Okay..." She said as she scrolled through the names, "Piper and Yacker?" She asked.

"Yeah," Piper smiled, while Patricia breathed heavily, holding on to the table for support.

"Are you okay?" The receptionist asked, "You look like you are about to pass out. Would you like some water?"

"I'm fine" Patricia huffed.


"218," Patricia identified their hotel room, as her and Piper stood outside it.

Piper then swiped the card against the machine on the door, and the door opened, then they both walked in.

"I'm going to go have a shower," Piper told her.

"Kay," Patricia replied, as she headed over to the bed closest to the window and lay on it.


Patricia stood in a long corridor, she could barely see what was ahead of her. After walking forward a small bit, she noticed a figure, he was standing there motionless. Patricia ran forward, far enough to make out the person, it was Eddie.

"Eddie!" Patricia screamed, he still stood there, saying nothing.

"EDDIE!" Patricia repeated, panicking.

Patricia tried to run closer to him, but every step forward she took, she moved further away from him.

[Yo! So part 1 is complete. Sorry if my airport and plane part isn't really correct, it been so so so many years since I have been on a plane. This story is 2 parts long, and the second part should already be up. Also it will get more 'Peddie' as the story goes on don't worry ;)]

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