Chapter 3- Walk & Talk

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Chapter 3- Walk and Talk

Nicholas's POV

I watched her nod and get up and walk out the back, I followed quickly behind her.

"Lucky I'm so sorry we left, I wish I'd known. I wish we'd never left you guys, I'm so sorry Lucky. I wasn't here for you, to help you with the triplets. To help you raise them, it must have been so hard for you so lonely." I said to her all in one big rush, trying to get it all out at once before she stopped me. I looked at her waiting for her to speak, she was looking at me with this odd expression before starting to smile kindly at me.

"Its okay it was hard but I had Hunter who was going through the same thing and Kieran was such an amazing help and was good in a way with the boys that we couldn't be like taking them to sport, watching games and being a male role model and you're aunt helped us out heaps and changed us so now we all have drake blood in our systems. It was hard but at the same time I wouldn't change a thing about those kids or how they came into the world, I wished every day for you but after a while for them I knew I couldn't think about me, my world now spun around Alice, Kendall and Alexander. There good kids a lot like you and you're family." I said smiling at him.

"Tell me about them Lucky, everything. I want to know what I've missed?" Nicholas said looking at me in a way I never thought I'd see again, like I held all the answers and was his whole world.

"Well ask me anything and I'll answer?" I said he nodded and thought for a little bit before asking his first question about our kids, it sounded so strange but yet so right. Our kids.

"Where were they all going today then, they all looked pretty happy to go?"

"Well Ali was going to art classes she takes them every week as well as a class at school, its one of her subjects."

"Wait they go to school? There not home schooled like we were?" Nick said looking confused.

"No they were for primary school and the first year of high school but I wanted them to have a bit of that experience, well un-till they change then they will be pulled out. So I let them in roll and Hunter let the boys and they love it. But friends wise there still limited because they don't bring people over and they all don't really date, I used the word really, loosely. There hard people to forget for the opposite sex and it's a bit hard to explain Hunter Kieran and I along with Aunt Hyacinth, explain how we look like we do with teenage kids. They will all change with in months of each other, the triplets first and then the twins." I said getting nervous thinking about it, it had become one of my bigger worries as they aged every year.

"Wow that's amazing and a good idea, but the thought of them all three changing at once and then the twins that's a lot." I nodded. "Oh sorry please continue, you were saying about Alice?" I nodded before continuing.

"Alice is exactly like Sol, in every way. She's strong and loving and she'll fight to protect her siblings or cousins and she has the softest sweetest heart where as Kendall is as stubborn as a mule, she's just like me and well you're mum. She's fiery and fierce and she takes on the world if that's what she believes she has to do and she's the first to jump in if she thinks she's protecting me and I guess that's why she didn't call when you all showed up incase it was going to upset me. Which is probably why they waited for me to call and check up on them. Kendall was on her way to cheerleading, she's amazing. She does dancing as a subject at school and after her and Alice had singing and a song writing class. They all do music at school the triplets and the twins." I took a deep breath and looked at him, he was deep in thought.

"What about Alex? Where was he going? What's he like?" I laughed at the thought of my son and couldn't help but smile.

"Well Lex he's a lot like you and a lot like Logan to actually. He's stubborn to and really protective of his mum and sisters. He was off to soccer training today, same with Ryan and Nate. He is kind of quirky like Logan without the white pirate shirts. But he looks like you, he always has his whole life, I used to call him Mr Mini and he never really understood but that's what he was to me you're mini you." I said smiling at Nicky who was grinning down at me. "There good kids, they all are the twins to. Ryan is pretty quiet and relaxed kind of like Connor and Duncan actually and then Nate is the extreme opposite. He's exactly like Quinn, he's stubborn, a flirt, fiery, funny , always has a girlfriend or girls chasing him but he's caring just like Quinn and especially when it comes to his mum or the girls or me or his brother or Alex. So in this house there is a lot of stubborn people, it makes arguments interesting, loud and long." I said looking away from the forest around me and back at Nicholas who was chuckling.

"Wait Lucy?"

"Yes?" I said looking at him feeling a little bit confused.

"How are they driving if there only soon to be 15? There to young the be driving!" He said looking like his head was going to explode, his face was now creased with worry.

"Calm down its legal, because we live so far away from the school, out of the bus range and we all work full time Kendall, Nate and Alex applied for early license's so they could get to school. There on very stick rules but its easier for them to all get around. Make sense?" I said watching his face instantly relax.

"Why just Kendall, Nate and Alex?"

"Well Alice wasn't really interested and if Kendall can drive her and Ali do similar things or are going the same places most of the time so they didn't see the point and Ryan was the same he thought with both Lex and Nate driving it seemed kind of excessive. So they all pulled together about what cars they wanted, the girls picked a Hyundai Elantra in maroon and the boys picked a big black Jeep similar to the one you boys used to have." I smiled at him it seemed so weird to fall back into old habits so easily while around Nicholas. It was kind of disarming.

"I really did miss a lot Lucy, I want to be in there lives. Make it work with you guys." Nicholas said he was looking at me pleadingly and I heard my self say yes and nod. God only knew what I was getting myself into again. I heard laughter coming from the house and at the sound we started to walk back towards laughter of the Drake boys that I hadn't heard in year's.

PLEASE READ AND REVIEW IT'S A DOUBLE CHAPTER POST SO THIS CHAPTER AND I'm about to put up another one. :) enjoy, please do review.

Hollie x

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